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The irregular fluttering of a small purple butterfly flew above the rooftops of Paris, seeking out the turmoil of emotions calling to it. The man who sent out this butterfly was standing behind his glass window listening to the strong emotions playing out within Paris. He could hear the arguments, the crying, even the whispers of lingering tragedy. He had already sent out a near identical butterfly only moments before to give him control over a young scared boy, but in his strings of emotion he had heard two particularly rare ones. A complex range of anger and disappointment but it wasn't the emotion that was rare but rather the source of these negative emotions. 

The butterfly flapped through the night sky down towards the yelling from the black leathered Chat Noir, his anger pulled it like a magnet. However, it flapped backwards hesitantly as the anger vanished and began to move towards a second figure on the roof top, her red suit standing out from the dark. She harboured guilt and misery, it drew the butterfly towards her as she broke down crying. 

Hawkmoth held his staff in front of him, his grip tightened on it knowing Ladybug was back. He had incorrectly assumed she was gone for good at this point, but he couldn't help but smile knowing that there were cracks in the perfect facade of Paris' superhero's. He waited in anticipation for the akuma to touch one of them so he could gain control of their mind, he'd prefer Ladybug be akumatized but Chat Noir seemed easier to gain control of. To his disappointment the akuma fell back as he sensed their emotion fade. He yelled out in frustration slamming his staff into the ground. The white butterflies startled into the air fluttering around his lair. 

The akuma followed the hero's as they pursued Sandboy, it fluttered around aimlessly until Hawkmoth felt a spike of pure terror. He willed his akuma towards it, he could hear Ladybugs fearful words as she uttered the name of her nightmare, Chat Blanc. Hawkmoth listened to the exchange between Chat Noir, Ladybug, and her nightmare with all his focus. This could be the method to finally defeating the heroes. He listened to every detail so he could use this to his advantage. Too quickly the conversation ended and to his disappointment so did the turmoil between them.

Hawkmoth shifted his focus back to Sandboy but he was still distracted by the information he learned. Quickly his akuma was purified and he began to call back the second akuma but before it got too far he felt Chat Noirs anger spike once again. He snapped his attention back to this emotion sending the akuma its way again. He listened as the heroes clashed, to his delight yelling ensued but he decided to have his akuma wait, they were spilling their secrets and he could hear it all. He knew Chat Noir was in love with Ladybug, but the name Marinette peaked his interest, could it possibly be the same girl in his sons class? Then another name stuck out, Adrien, did Ladybug know his son personally? His thoughts swirled with ideas how he could leverage this to his advantage.  In another timeline he had succeeded in akumatizing Chat Noir but it was dangerous, he would do better this time. 

Hawkmoth began to hatch a plan, he wasn't bothered that their emotions quieted because he now had more information than ever before about the heroes weaknesses. 

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