Chapter 35

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Chat Noir watched as Ladybug leaped towards Sandboy. He didn't know what to feel as his copycat quickly chased after her. Why was Ladybug's nightmare him getting akumatized and what did he mean about their love? He knew she kept secrets from him but this felt different, this was about him. He snapped back to moment at hand, he could see Ladybug summoning something with her lucky charm. He took off in a run using his baton to launch himself into the air towards the fight.

Chat landed beside the dream version of himself and gave his other self a knowing nod, this was the part of the fight where they were the distraction. They both ran towards Sandboy and attacked from opposite sides.

"What the!?" Sandboy exclaimed not expecting both Chat Noirs. One of them had grabbed onto his dream pillow while the other had his baton around the villian pinning is arms. Sandboy willed his pillow to move faster taking hard turns and loops to try and shake them off. Chat Noir desperately held on but his grasped slipped and he tumbled off falling into the arms of a swinging Ladybug.

"I thought cats always landed on their feet," Ladybug joked before setting Chat down so they could keep running after Sandboy. He didn't respond as all he could think about was Chat Blanc, he could feel Ladybug staring at him. He knew she was worried but he didn't know what he could even say to her right now. They had caught up with Sandboy who was still trying to shake off the other Chat Noir. Ladybug pulled out a small red and black spotted hand mirror. She glanced around like she usually did when she was close to figuring out how to use the charm. As she did Sandboy got the other Chat off of himself and looked over to Ladybug.

"Watch out!" Chat yelled as he tackled Ladybug out of the way as dream dust shot where she had been standing. They scrambled to get up out of the way as more dust rained down towards them.

"Be ready to catch him!" Ladybug said with a smile to Chat, he nodded not totally sure what she meant but he knew she had a plan and he would just have to trust her. He jumped off the roof top and diverted Sandboy's attention to the street below. He saw other Chat was getting up and looking up towards Ladybug, did he always look that love sick when he saw her?

"Hey, Sandboy!!" Ladybugs voice rung out, she had her yo-yo swinging as she dared the villian to come at her. Sandboy rushed forwards flying towards her as other Chat Noir started running towards her as well. Ladybug dodged the dream dust nimbly as he got closer and closer until at the last moment she pulled out the mirror causing the dust to bounce back at Sandboy surrounding him briefly. Other Chat leapt up off the side of a building using the distraction and temporarily blinded Sandboy to his advantage.

"Cataclysm!" Other Chat yelled as his claw touched the dream pillow, Chat Noir realized what his job was in all this as Sandboy began to plummet. He dashed forwards and grabbed the young boy before he could hit the ground. He looked up as Ladybug caught the akuma and jumped down to where he and other Chat were now standing. She purified the akuma but she stopped short with the lucky charm in her hand as she saw both Chat Noirs looking at her expectantly.

"I'm so sorry Chat," she said pulling the other Chat into a hug, he buried his head into her shoulder. Chat stood by feeling jealousy rise in his chest, the anger he had felt earlier was re-surfacing. He watched as they said something to each other in a low voice so he couldn't hear and he was about to just leave when the other Chat looked towards him and let go of Ladybug. He watched in surprise as his copycat walked towards him confidently and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No matter what, don't let her go, Marinette is your soulmate," the other Chat whispered to him before pulling back and giving Ladybug a reassuring smile and a nod. She smiled at him tearfully before throwing up the lucky charm and fixing all the damage the akuma caused, including Chat Blanc. With a flash they were back to just the pair of them, Chat still holding the barely conscious boy. He didn't know what to do or say as ladybug wiped tears from her eyes and walked over to him slowly, holding her arms close to herself.

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