Chapter 27

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Marinette laid in her bed facing the ceiling trying to wrap her mind around everything that had happened today. Not only had she been akumatized but she had had her first real kiss. She smiled at the thought of kissing Chat Noir, he had accompanied her home, unwilling to leave her side until he absolutely had too. They had even lingered on Marinettes rooftop balcony just kissing and saying goodbye and then repeating many times. She only pulled herself away from him when she had to transform back. Mullo was now sitting on her stomach eating a chocolate croissant happily. She cringed inwardly at her selfish use of the Multimouse power and could only imagine what Tiki would have said, but Mullo didn't seem to mind. Marinette let her eyes drift closed trying to think only of the second half of her day. She wondered if Chat Noir was thinking about her right now.

Marinette blinked her eyes open to see sunlight streaming down on her face. She slowly stretched up and got out of bed to get ready for school. She changed into her school clothing and started putting her hair into pig tails but stopped mid way through. She glanced down at her necklace and back at her hair before redoing it into two messy top buns. She packed her bag for school and let Mullo hide in her pink purse. She glanced at the clock and realized she was already late for school. Marinette ran down the stairs and rushed across the street to the steps of the highschool.

By the time Marinette pushed open the classroom door the teacher was mid sentence. The class turned to look at Marinette before whispers cascaded through the room. Marinettes ears burned with embarrassment remembering everything that led up to the akumatization yesterday and what she had done under Hawkmoths control. She looked at the floor as her excitement over the night before faded to the guilt that took over her mind. She moved to her seat fidgeting with her school bag strap. The whispers stopped as Mrs. Bustier called the classes attention back to the subject at hand. Once sitting Marinette quickly pulled out her notebook and tried to ignore the looks from her classmates, including those of her best friend beside her.

Halfway through class Alya slid a folded paper over to Marinette. She opened it carefully, so the teacher wouldn't notice, to read what was written.

'How come you ignored my calls last night??' Marinette paled realizing she hadn't checked her phone since she called Chloe.

'Sorry it was dead and I forgot to charge it' she wrote with a small smiley face beside the sentence before sliding the paper discreetly across the desk. Alya wrote something before sliding it back.

'You okay after yesterday?' Marinette read the sentence and paused with her pencil hovering above the paper. A wave of guilt rushed over her as she realized she must have been fighting Alya as Lady Pain, she had separated the idea of Ladybug or rather Scarabella the hero, from Alya her best friend. She closed her eyes and tried to will memories of what happened while she was akumatized, she could hear the sound of talking maybe arguing but it was still muffled.

'Can we meet in the locker room after class?' Marinette wrote after some thought. She glanced over at Alya as she read it and Alya gave her a small nod. Marinette did her best to concentrate the rest of class but she was worried she had said something to Alya she couldn't remember, or hurt her. Finally the teacher let them go for lunch and Marinette packed up her bag. Alya grabbed her hand and pulled her out of class practically jogging.

As the two girls left Adrien paused putting away his school supplies as Marinette was dragged out of class by Alya. He couldn't help but smile as Marinette was clumsily tripping over her own feet and her scent followed behind a moment after. He moved to follow them before remembering he was Adrien to her not Chat Noir right now. His smile faltered. It was going to be very difficult to act normally around her at school, even just being in front of her all day was torture, he kept wanting to turn around and talk to her.

"Dude!" Nino said loudly waving a hand in front of Adrien's face, "why are you staring at the door?" he asked.

"Uh-s- sorry- sorry I just remembered I have to go home for lunch, my dad wants me to try on some new outfits and I ran out of time this morning," he lied knowing he wouldn't be able to sit across from Marinette all lunch without slipping up. He tried to act rushed before moving out of class slowly making his way towards to locker room.

Nightmares (A Ladybug and Chat Noir Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant