Chapter 4

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Adrien returned to the movie where Alya was sitting rigid with her arms crossed, Nino was confused as to what had just happened. Adrien spent the rest of the movie thinking of ways to cheer up Marinette but he was drawing blanks.

By the time Adrien had been brought home by his bodyguard it was time for him and his Lady to meet at the Eiffel tower to patrol.

"Okay Plagg let's get this patrol over with and then we can find something to cheer up Marinette!" Adrien said setting up his bed to look like he was sleeping in it.

"Nooo let me eat my Camembert before we-"

"Plagg claws out!" Adrien quickly transformed and leaped out his window with a new energy. He pole vaulted to the Eiffle tower but there was no Ladybug in sight. He sat down and waited quietly humming a tune to himself. The moon was bright tonight, lighting the dark streets with an eery glow. Chat Noir waited and waited until his patience grew thin. He left voicemails with his baton for Ladybug but no answer after at least an hour. He stood up and decided to patrol on his own, his Lady was clearly not coming to help tonight.

He scanned the streets of Paris but all seemed peaceful for once. As he jumped from roof top to roof top he found him self across the street from the Dupain-cheng's bakery. Its sweet smell was strong even this far away, it was always the best smelling bakery in Paris. His cat like sense of smell when he was transformed didn't help keep his stomach from grumbling. While he pined over the pastries he caught movement on the Dupen-changs balcony. His hand moved to his baton but he relaxed when he saw it was just Marinette. She was wrapped in a blanket and walking towards her balcony railing. Maybe he could talk to her as Chat Noir and cheer her up! He jumped over to her balcony silently landing on the railing behind her.

"You're going to cat-ch a cold out here at night," Marinette jumped at the sound behind her.

"Oh Chat Noir, I didn't see you there. Is everything okay?" she asked suddenly remembering they were supposed to patrol tonight.

"Paris is quiet tonight but M'lady didn't show for paw-trol," he said with a slight frown, "but I'm here because you're up fur to late." Marinette giggled at the excess of puns before letting her face fall and looking back to the street.

"I like the night, it's peaceful, at-least when there aren't akumas, but I guess I just have a lot on my mind," Marinette confides quietly, almost whispering.

"Anything I can help with princess?" Chat Noir said with a toothy smile. Marinette shook her head at the nickname with a slight smile. Chat inched closer and saw the dark bags under her eyes as she looked off into the night. He saw a tear that silently rolled down her cheek before she could wipe it away. He reached a hand towards her shoulder but she jerked away with a gasp at his touch.

Marinette pulled away from the cold touch as white moved in the peripheral of her vision. She whipped her head around to look where Chat Noir had been standing. Now the white leather clad Chat Blanc stared at her with empty blue eyes. She gripped the cold steel railing to bring herself back to reality, Chat Blanc couldn't be here, but her throat was already closing as her legs gave out from under herself. She expected to hit the ground but strong arms grabbed her waist before she fell and guided her gently to her knees.

"Marinette?" Chat Noir had reacted faster than he could think. She had nearly collapsed and he could hear her gasping for air. He kneeled beside her with his arms around her waist supporting her weight. She shook in his grasp and he could feel his own panic rising. What happened, was it something he said? He pushed her hair out of her face and saw the tears streaming down her cheeks and her arms pulled tight around her chest. Being this close to her he could hear her heart beat racing and her ragged breath coming quickly and harshly.

He pulled her into a hug laying her head on his chest and running his fingers through her hair. His tail curling around her protectively. He breathed slowly to calm down his own panic and attempt to slow hers down as well. He could feel the heat radiating off her even through his leather suit, it melted the sharp cold of the night. Her breathing became rhythmic after some time, and the shaking stopped. He continued to stroke the back of her head letting silence hang between them, it was comfortable and only broken by Marinette's soft sniffles. 

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