Chapter 1

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Spoiler Warning, just so you know this story has some spoilers from season 4. Happy Reading!!

"Chat Noir! Cataclysm now!" Ladybug shouted across the street. She backflipped away from the trap she created to capture the akumatized villain while holding her yo-yo string taught.

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir ran forward hand extended. The purple clad villian wrapped in Ladybugs yoyo struggled to escape to no avail. Chat Noirs hand connected with the pillow laying at the villians feet. It disintegrated easily and the purple butterfly flew out.

"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma." Ladybug captured the purple butterfly purifying it back to its natural white form. She looked back to her partner leaning on his pole staff and the young boy now de-akumatized, he had been akumatized into Sandman once again, the poor boy seemed to always be having nightmares. She kneeled down to his height and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know if you told your parents about all these nightmares you're having they could help you to stop having them. " The boy nodded still scared as to how he got here. Her earrings beeped, only a few minutes until she's Marinette again.

"Don't worry bugaboo I can take him home," Chat Noir gave her a wink before pole vaulting away with the boy.

Ladybug milled over her advice to the boy, maybe she should listen to it too. Her chest tightened at the thought of the nightmares that have been plaguing her. She squeezed her eyes shut willing the thoughts away. With a shaky breath she regained control over her thoughts. With another beep of her earrings she realized she was still standing in the cold street. She threw her yo-yo out into the dark night to pull herself home.

Ladybug landed on her bed as she de-transformed into Marinette. With a sigh she flopped onto the bed as Tiki flew out from her earrings. Wordlessly Marinette offered Tiki a macaroon from the stash in her bag as the two of them laid exhausted on the bed. Marinette had barely gotten any sleep due to the akumatized villian that luckily hadn't hit herself or Chat Noir with his power this time. They'd gotten pretty good at handling the Sandman together but it was still exhausting having him always appearing at night. She turned over in her bed pulling her bed sheets over her eyes.

The other reason she had been losing sleep the last few nights was the constant nightmares waking her up. The picture of her partner clad in white reaching for her earrings flashed in front of her eyes. She shook her head to get rid of the image but it was no help. She saw Chat Blanc smiling but with those awful emotionless blue eyes. He stood at the edge of the only building left in Paris, untouched by his destructive power.

"Marinette! It's already time for school!" Tiki's voice snapped Marinette out of her thoughts and she pulled the blanket off herself.

"What no I haven't even slept yet!" Early morning light streamed from her skylight window onto her face, the sun was quickly rising. She hurried down off her bed and rushed to get her usual outfit on in time for school. She brushed out her tangled hair managing to get in into her two pigtails. Finally stuffing her homework into her bag crumpling some of the papers under her textbooks. With that she rushed down to the street whizzing by her parents only hesitating long enough to grab a croissant.

Marinette half heartedly scribbled down notes from class quickly falling behind. Her eyelids struggled to stay open, heavy with exhaustion. Her pen slipped out of her hand as her head fell onto her arms crossed on her desk.

Alya glanced over at her now unconscious best friend. The girl has been so exhausted lately, and more flaky than normal, which was almost impressive. No matter how much prying Alya did she couldn't figure out what was going on with Marinette. At the very least she could let her sleep and make sure she took extra notes so her BFF didn't fall behind in class.

The presentation continued as Alya wrote out comprehensive notes on the math formulas that were being taught and then copying the same notes into Marinette's book. Finally the class finished and all the students began packing up for the day. Alya gently shook Marinette awake as most of the students leave the class.

"Marinette, Marineeettteee," Alya said quietly. Marinette began to stir, her face scrunching up at something is her half awake mind, "Come on girl it's time to go!"

"NO!" Marinette shouted as she shot up from her seat with panic in her eyes. Alya jumped back at the outburst. Marinette looked around wildly and as realization hit, her face growing red from embarrassment.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Alya asked putting a hand on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette jumped back as if she were shocked by Alya's touch. She quickly realized Alya was the only one who heard her and the heat in her cheek began to subside and her heart slowed back to a normal pace.

"O-oh yeah Alya. Sorry, is class already over?"

"Yeah come on we're all going to the movies remember!"

"Riiiight, I definitely remembered that" Marinette pulled her backpack over her shoulder as Alya laughed at her blatant lie. Alya cheerfully linked her arm around Marinette's for the walk to the movie theater.

Marinette's mind however was still distracted. She realized she missed over an hour of class not to mention the lack of focus she had during the beginning of the day. She was going to have to do so much homework tonight, maybe she should get out of going to the movies? No that would disappoint her friends, and Adrien was going to be there too. She felt so useless, she wasn't a good student, or a good friend. What did that leave her with, just ladybug, which she was barely getting by at being. She kept screwing up during fights against akumatized villians, leaving Chat Noir to save her. If she wasn't a good Ladybug there was no way she could be a good guardian either, the new role weighed heavy on her shoulders and she had barely anytime to focus on it. If she screwed up as guardian she could easily turn Chat Noir into... Chat Blanc.

Tears threatened to pour from her eyes, Chat Blanc, his blue eyes half hidden by white hair. The pain he felt because of her. All of Paris destroyed because of her. Her mind spiralled deeper into the pit of her nightmares. 

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