Chapter 29

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Adrien stood in front of his two friends after lying about why he fell into the locker room. He was embarrassed and guilty for it but he couldn't tell them had been eve's dropping. He couldn't help himself once he had heard Marinette's voice, he was just so curious what she felt about last night. It was difficult to hear without his cat like hearing, but he did hear the tail end of their conversation, just before he heard Alya say she wanted details at which point he had leaned too much on the door and promptly fell directly in front of them. He looked between the two girls who seemed to be waiting for him to either say something or leave. He couldn't help but look at Marinette's new hair style, it was messy but reminiscent of Multimouse's hair and he couldn't help but feel the urge to kiss her.

"I actually was looking to talk to you M-Marinette," he said the words before he had time to think about what he was even going to talk to her about. He just wanted to be near her again. She looked startled and shot a look to Alya. They waited as Alya left the locker room giving Marinette a wave on the way out. Adrien moved towards Marinette but stopped short of how close he wanted to be, he had to act casual around her. Her eyes were wide and he inwardly cursed himself for scaring her yet again.

"So -so did you want to ki- talk -talk to me?" Marinette stuttered. Adrien stared at her dumbfounded for a few moments trying to come up with anything.

"I just wanted to ask how you are after yesterday," he said slowly, he knew the answer but she didn't know he knew. Wow this was going to be difficult. He saw her cast her eyes downward and immediately wanted to comfort her, he felt so stupid for bringing the akumatization up again. She suddenly looked up at him horrified.

"Wait did I hurt you or say anything to you while I was akumatzed?" her face looked pale as she asked. Adrien glanced at the bathroom where he had tried to help her as Adrien. She followed his gaze and let out a small gasp. "I did didn't I? I remember- I don't know but I think you were there and I was..." she said shakily pointing to the girls bathroom.

"Its okay Marinette, it was Hawkmoth not you," he said putting his hands on the sides of her arms trying to calm her down. She looked up at him only a few inches away. He gave her a small smile trying not to remember how scared he was to lose her, and how she had fought so hard not to hurt him when he was trying to stop her. He couldn't believe how blind he'd been to her feelings for him, she was beautiful, kind, and strong. He stepped forwards looking into her deep blue eyes, he was transfixed by them, he leaned forwards remembering the feeling of her lips on his. Suddenly he felt himself pushed back by a beet red Marinette, her eyes were wide with shock. The blood drained from his face as he remembered he was Adrien, not Chat Noir.

"I'm so sorry!" He said taking his hands off her immediately. He looked away and scratched the back of his head, he wanted nothing more than to have the floor just swallow him whole, "so sorry, I'm just going to go now. " He turned on his heels and rushed to his locker just to get away from the embarrassment. He heard the sound of the doors opening and closing behind him, Marinette must have left.

"This is going to be impawsible" he groaned into his locker, Plagg flew out into the locker.

"This is why cheese is better than girls kid," he said rummaging in Adrien's bag for cheese. Adrien just groaned in response, he could never show his face again. He pushed his school bag into the locker and moved to the bathroom as Plagg floated beside him happily. He checked the bathroom to make sure no else was inside.

"Okay Plagg, Claws Out!" he said pulling Plagg into the ring in a flash of green. He jumped out the bathroom window and climbed up the side of the building. He sat down crosslegged, sighing to himself. Maybe he would have to start bringing a lunch to eat up here from now on so he could avoid Marinette. He fell onto his back arms out, he didn't want to avoid Marinette, he wanted to be with her as Adrien just as much as he wanted to be as Chat Noir.

"Hi Kitty!" The voice startled him into sitting up, Multimouse was standing in front of him, her tail twitching behind her.

"Mar-Multimouse!" he exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" he thought she had gone to get lunch, did she see him come up here?

"I just needed to stretch my legs and get away from..." she looked away for a second, "I just needed to clear my head. Wait what are you doing here?"

"Oh I was just doing some daily patrolling and felt like stopping for a break, and maybe cat-ch a glance of my little mouse," he grinned holding a hand up for her to grab. She moved forwards and held his hand to help him to his feet but instead he pulled down causing her to squeak as she landed in his lap. She blushed from their proximity and brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry Chat," she said quietly moving off his lap and sat kneeling in front of him. He tilted his head to the side confused, "I just don't want to lead you on. Remember when I told you about that boy, Adrien," she looked up to him for confirmation. He gave her a small nod groaning inwardly that he had probably caused this only minutes ago.

"It's just that I want to be over him and I really like you but I'm confused and I don't want to hurt you," she said reaching for him only to pull back before her fingers touched his hand. Chat could only admire her more for how good hearted she was.

"It's okay little mouse, I want to be with you but if you need time to think about it or maybe if you want to pursue this Adrien boy you can," he held her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it trying not to show how much of a win win scenario this was for him, "what do you want?" She looked stunned for a moment. She thought for some time and moved so she was cross legged beside him and put her head on his shoulder. 

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