Chapter 33

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Adrien sat in his bedroom spinning slowly in his desk chair, his monitor was the only light in the dark of the night. He was too restless to sleep but too tired to do his homework. He closed the essay he had been working on, his monitor had a wallpaper collage of Multimouse fighting akuma's. He couldn't help but smile seeing photos of her.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping," Plagg whined while eating a platter of cheese. Adrien looked back at his friend.

"I would but Marinette could be talking to Ladybug which means Ladybug might come back tonight, I have to be ready for whatever she decides to do," Adrien rambled, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Are you still in love with her?" Plagg asked, Adrien looked over, shocked to hear concern in the Kwami's voice. As Adrien stumbled for a reply, his gaze darted to his window, a red figure was running across the rooftops.

"Ladybug?" He said quietly staring in surprise.

"Who else would I be talking about kid," Plagg asked before Adrien ran towards the window.

"Plagg! Claws out!!" Adrien shouted pulling Plagg into his ring before the Kwami could turn around. Chat Noir was out the window before the flash of green light had dissipated. He leapt to the nearest roof to look for the red suited super heroine. Within moments he spotted a red blur swinging between buildings. He glanced around, he didn't see any sign of an akumatization.

"LADYBUG!" he shouted trying to get her attention. He pole vaulted where he had last seen her. He scanned the streets as he soared through the air but by the time he got to where she had last been she was no where in sight. He stopped on a roof breathing heavily trying to compose his thoughts. He opened the phone on his baton and saw a message icon beside Multimouse's picture. He hurriedly opened it, holding the pole to his ear.

"Hey Chaton, I-I just wanted to tell you," Marinette's voice shook with emotion, "I can't be Multimouse anymore. And-and I think it would be safer if we stopped seeing each other. I just-I can't I'm so sorry." Chat Noir fell to his knees as he processed the information, he replayed the message again hoping he had misheard her. He didn't understand, she seemed happy the last time he saw her. What could have changed in less than an hour? Did Ladybug say something to her? She must have told Marientte she couldn't see him anymore. He felt a surge of anger that Ladybug would do something to hurt Marinette. His vision doubled as he called Ladybug without thinking, not caring that it had gone to voice mail.

"Did you take away the Miraculous from Marrientte because of what I told her? I didn't tell her who Scarabella was so why are you punishing her for it," he felt himself shaking from anger, "you can't disappear and just come back to hurt the girl I love!" he yelled before closing his baton roughly.

"Chat," a familiar voice called out softly from behind him. He turned around wide eyes to see the partner he hadn't seen in months. All the anger washed away as a wave of relief hit him. He had missed her with every muscle in his body and now she was standing in front of him.

"Ladybug," he whispered, her hair blew in the wind, her striking figure silhouetted against the dark sky. It wasn't until she took a tentative step forwards into the light of the street lamps that he saw the tears that streaked her face.

"Chaton, I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you-" her voice cut out from the sobs that racked her body. She held her shaking hands up to her face trying to wipe away the tears, "you can hate me if you want but trust me when I say I would never want to hurt you." She felt her legs go weak as she fell to her knees. Sobs racked her body as she curled into herself. Chat Noirs feet were frozen in place, he didn't understand what was going on, he wanted to be angry but he couldn't bear to see her in pain. A loud crash startled him out of his daze. Both the super heroes startled to look in the direction of the sound. A giant creature was stomping through Paris creating destruction in its path.

"I think there's been an akumatization," Chat Noir said staring in the direction of the unfolding chaos. Ladybug pushed herself up, her muscles trembled from the effort as she tried to stifle her sobs.

"Then it's time we help Paris," she said before breaking into a run towards the rising smoke on the horizon. Chat Noir followed her, falling into the familiar pace of being two steps behind her. He glanced at the red suited girl he was once deeply in love with, but now his emotions were a confused mess leaving him feeling hollow, numb. As they neared the akuma they watched as more nightmares filled Paris, giant spiders, the thunder of a storm, and zombies prowling the streets. Screams filled the air as Chat Noir realized what this meant, the akumatized villian was Sandboy.

"Up there Chat," Ladybug said pointing to the villian flying on his pillow in the sky. They gave each other a nod before leaping towards the villian.

"Hey dream boy, it's time to stop giving everyone such claw-ful dreams!" Chat yelled to get his attention. Sandboy whipped around and started shooting his nightmare dust towards him. Chat flipped out of the way, keeping the villian distracted. Ladybug moved behind him and threw her yo-yo towards the pillow. Sandboy dodged adeptly before shooting dust towards Ladybug, it hit her hard in the chest sending her tumbling off the roof.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled leaping to catch her, he grabbed her mid air and broke their fall with his body. She moved off him trying to get her bearings as he sat up slowly, "out of purr-actice M'L-Ladybug?" 

"No I just- sorry Chat I should have seen that coming," she twirled her yo-yo about to take off.

"Wait, you still have your powers, I thought you nightmare was losing them," he asked confused as he stood up. She looked to her twirling yo-yo before looking back at Chat Noir, her eyes wide.

"Oh no," she whispered, her eyes trained on something just behind him.

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