Chapter 12

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"Sorry!" He said quickly pushing himself up off who he had landed on. He looked down to see the flushed face of Marinette, her blue eyes wide. He had never noticed the small freckles on the bridge of her nose. He stayed above her for a moment noticing the slight shine of gloss on her lips, he felt heat rush to his cheeks again realizing his position above her. He pushed himself back onto his knees and held a hand out for her to pull herself up with.

"I-I'm sorry Adrien," she sputtered taking his hand to pull herself up to sitting in front of him. He forgot for a moment the chaos around them seeing her flushed with dark blue hair and blue eyes for a moment he felt like he was beside his Lady with a familiar want to be closer to her. He blinked realizing this was Marinette, his friend, he shouldn't be thinking like that about her. Ladybug was the only one he should be feeling like this for, he didn't want to leave those feelings for her behind like she had left him.

"Lets get you somewhere safe, I think there's an Akuma attack," he said pushing his confusing feelings aside and helping her up to her feet. He looked around finding a path between the people to the door. He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him through the chaos and out the door. Outside he saw someone standing down the street ontop of the cars facing Scarabella, she wore a dark blue and red costume. The street was destroyed by trees pushing up through the concrete splitting building apart and pushing cars aside. He pulled Marinette the other way rounding the corner, "run home where it safe, I'm going back for Alya and Nino."

"Be careful Adrien," she said holding his hand for a moment before he ran back towards the restaurant, ducking into an alley to transform.

"Plagg, Claws out!" he yelled barely giving Plagg a moment to talk. His clothing changed to that of Chat Noirs after a flash of green light. He used his pole to get to the roof above him so he could see what was happening. Scarabella was fighting the woman with a dark red jacket and dark blue form fitting costume underneath, a helmet covered her face, with white markings covering the outfit. She was using the power granted to her by Hawkmoth to bring trees and vines up through the ground with enough force to break the asphalt road and throw a car.

"Paris needs to go green and stop filling our streets with fossil fuel burning cars!!" The villian shouted as she threw a car with a vine at Scarabella. She dodged easily but was caught off guard by a tree sprouting below her and throwing her backwards. Chat Noir jumped down to catch the so far unnamed villian off guard but she saw him in the reflection of the car she was standing on and ducked sending him head first to the ground. He barely caught himself in time, somersaulting out of he momentum.

"Hey Chat, glad you could join the fun," Scarabella said landing beside him. She had her yo-yo out, spinning it while watching the villian for any indication of where the akuma was hidden. They both noticed the rather obvious bicycle bell that had become a bracelet around her wrist. They each leaped forwards weapons extended for her wrist, she pulled it back summoning a nearby tree brach throwing Scarabella into Chat Noir sending them both tumbling. She pulled a lattice of roots from the ground that reached up like claws for the two hero's. The roots grasped them and pulled down into the cement. They were both trapped, squirming to get free.

"Give me your miraculouses!" The villian said walking down to the hero's triumphantly. She crouched down beside Scarabella who was desperately trying to find a way out of the roots that where squeezing on her lungs making it increasingly harder to breath. The villian reached for her earrings.

"Cataclysm!" Chat yelled touching the roots over his own chest, they crumbled into black dust freeing him and distracting the villian. He leaped forwards tackling her away from Scarabella. He used his baton to force her back while dodging her vine attacks. He let his reflexes guide him, dodging her attacks while advancing forwards. The rhythm was familiar to him, like one of the hundreds of fencing matches he had been in. 

Nightmares (A Ladybug and Chat Noir Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin