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Rose rolled her eyes trying her hardest to ignore the male sitting behind her. It had been like this for ages he'd come and bother her, make comments about her. He did a good job at it because it definitely annoyed her.

She tried her best to ignore him, always wlaking in the opposite direction of him even act like he wasn't there but like magic he'd always be around her.

Sometimes she'd think he was following her, but she knew better he hated her guts and only was everywhere to make her life hell.

"Malfoy shut up!" She snapped harshly causing him to frown and shake his head.

"Stop being so bossy weasley, it's annoying and I'm sure everyone at shcool agrees that they don't need your guidance or whatever." He said a smirk now visible.

Rose pretended like it didn't bother her but she knew way too well that some of the things he pointed out about her made her hate them.

"Weasley." She heard him whisper in the middle of class. "I can't see anything with the bush of hair you have in the way." He said patting her hair.

After that day Rose took it upon her self -actually she relied on Roxanne and Dominique- to help with her hair.

They kept asking why she wanted the sudden change and Rose shrugged telling them she felt like changing for a new look.

The girls nodded and began working on her hair using different products and spells for it.

By the time they were some Rose was in awe her hair was taimed. Never in all her life had it looked like that.

"I love it! Please do this for me every morning please!" She begged hoping they'd agree so the blonde wouldn't bully her about it anymore.

It took some persuading but her cousins agreed.

When she stepped into class the next day she felt good, no way was malfoy able to make fun of her hair today. Not when it looked so... not its usual self.

Malfoy arrived a couple seconds before the bell had rung and sat in his seat quickly.

Rose heard a gasp escape his mouth.
"Wealsey?" He asked patting her shoulder, rose turned around to face him with an annoyed expression. She wasn't annoyed though she was amused that he couldn't make fun of her for it now.

"Whatd you do to your hair?" He asked in shock.

"My cousins wanted to try something out and it turned out like this." She lied avoiding his eye so she wouldn't burst into tears and he wouldn't find out it was because of him.

Scorpius frowned."it looks horrible."

Her heart dropped. Why didn't he like it? It looked good or did she not see herself properly.

"Like I would care about what you think about me malfoy." She snapped turning back around.

But the truth was she cared alot. Why do I care though? She asked herself fighting back the burning sensation in her eyes.

couple weeks later Rose had started to get the hang of how to taim her hair and he pointed out that he hated it everyday. Rose tried to ignore it but sometimes it was really hard to. Why didn't he like her? She was trying her best.

She sighed. It was pointless trying to live up to the image malfoy wanted her to be. She would just have to ignore the fact that she wouldn't impress him no matter what. That shouldn't bother you.she told herself.

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