𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗯𝗼𝘆

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3 years ago:

"Son!" Draco malfoy called out, hoping his thirteen year old boy would reply, after hearing a grunt he finished off his sentence,"Do me a favour and go wake up your mother."

Not long after he heard Scorpius' footsteps, running up the stairs.

Scorpius ran to his parents' room on the second floor and quickly opened the door to their room, his mother was laying on her bed peacfully, looking as beautiful as she always had.

Scorpius grinned and walked closer to her,"mother, wake up, if you don't get up we'll have to leave you here." He teased.

No response, so he tried again,"mum, wake up we have to leave!" He yelled.

Still she laid on her bed without moving a muscle as if she was lifeless, Scorpius began to grow worried why wasn't wasn't waking up?

He then let out a gasp he noticed that she wasn't breathing, shakingly he moved his hands to her chest to check her heart beat, and felt nothing.

There was no heartbeat.

His mother was dead.

He gasped and tears began to form in his eyes," Father, mother isn't breathing, I think she's gone." He cried out and suddenly heard the pans from the kitchen rattle and heard footsteps running towards the room.

Draco ran in his room to see his only child hugging his wife who layed there on their bed lifeless.

Back to the present:

"How's father?" Scorpius asked in Korean ad he reached for an apple.

"We don't know yet young master." One of the butlers spoke up looking at him with worried eyes.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be okay, he's a strong man." One of the maids whose name he was unfamiliar with replied pinching the butler.

Scorpius nodded seeming unconvinced,"If you guys have any news to tell me you can do it now." He mumbled, millions of ideas rushing through his head, he had noticed that everyone had been acting strange towards him since this morning and a gut feeling told him something was off.

The butler and maid looked at eachother for a while and the maid shook her head, and the butler slowly nodded the two elders both looked at the newly sixteen year old and smiled.

"I promise you sir, if there is anything going on we'll tell you." The butler said looking at the boy with pain in his eyes.

Scorpius arched an eyebrow, slowly nodded his head yes and ecxuesed himself from the table, and walked away to his room.

As he reached for his door no he noticed that he forgot his book in the kitchen and quiteley made his way back there.

As he got closer to the kitchen he heard two people bickering in Korean.

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