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inspired by the song traitor by

olivia rodrigo.

(this is like a part three to jealousy jelousy except is cleopatras pov).

I bit the inside of my cheek this class was taking along time I thought. I slowly rolled up my sleeve and stared at the time it read 2:35 and I looked away trying to make time fly.

but whenever I'm in class time goes by so slowly every 10 minutes feels like two hours and I feel like time purposely stops just to piss us off.

I looked around the classroom staring at some of my classmates, my eyes landed on rose weasley, she was scribbling down whatever the teacher was saying, it was honestly amazing how much she loved studying, the girl was always seen with her nose in a book and that explained her lack of social skill she thought, she always saw her with either her family or this brunette girl which she didn't really know the name of, she quickly tore her gaze away from rose wealsey and scanned the back of the classroom, she looked at Zayn zabini who was whipering something to his cousin Scorpius malfoy.

She blushed, as she couldn't keep her eyes off the blonde boy, he was absolutely stunning, he had beautiful full lips and a hooded eyes that would close slightly whenever he smiled, and she found them adorable. she remembered that she had a crush on him for the longest time possible, but rumour had it he was crushing on rose wealsey.

cleopatra frowned at the thought of her crush liking someone other then her, I mean she did want him to be happy but it would kill her inside to watch him stare at another girl. she tore her gaze away from him hesitantly and looked back at the bored trying to pay attention to whatever proffesor Mcgonagall was saying.

just then the bell rang, dismissing the students, Mcgonagall smiled and walked out of the classroom ad soon as she bid her goodbyes and soon the students began to pack their belongings.

Cleo organized her stuff properly and gentley placed them back in there original place in her backpack hoping that none of her pages would get wrinkled.

she put her bag pack on and turned around to walk out of the classroom, but then bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." Rose weasley apologized as she hurriedly grabbed her books off the floor.

"don't worry about it." cleo reassured handing rose one of the books she had dropped and got up and batted the dust off her skirt.

"Rose weasley,right?" She asked but in all honestly she knew who she was, rose weasley was famous here her parents were two third of the golden trio and she was the brightest witch of her age, the whole school knew who she was.

Rose nodded shyly,"Nice to meet you, I've got to get going though, bye." She waved and walked off, as soon as she was out of the classroom she let out a scoff was her crush really into that. She was compleltey basic, her brunette hair was up to her waist and it wasn't pretty her glasses were huge and her teeth were also quite big.

There is no way in hell, Scorpius Malfoy, likes that oaf. I mean come on she thought she was much more then that weasley girl.

She took a right and then spotted a familiar salute with blonde hair sitting next to one with brown hair, she smiled and ran up to them.

"Hey Scorpius, hey zayne!" She greeted as she took a seat beside zayne. The two boys looked up at her and both cracked a smile.

"Hey." The cousins said in union.

"I was thinking would one of you two, like to go with me to the hosmead trip?" She asked innocently twirling a strand of hair.

The two thought for a minute and then Zayne spoke up,"Sorry, Kheyria, I'm going out with Cher."

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