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-𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒏 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒚

𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑢𝑠' 𝑃𝑂𝑉'-

Scorpius grinned he had been happy for a while now, which was such an improvement from last year, since he had been miserable all year long.

His depression had faided and it was all thanks to Rose Weasley. On the third of December, Scorpius recalled Rose had kissed him.

It was long and passionate, but sadly he had to leave Hogwarts the next day because his grandma was ill and he wanted to help take care of her. He wasnt able to talk to her after that but today was the first day back from the holidays and he planned on starting a conversation with her.

When he was younger his grandma rarely visited him and his parents, she would drop by every three years to check up on her only grandson, but after his mother passed away she was rarely never beside him.

They'd grown very close over the years and Scorpius had become very attached to this women, the thought of her being sick wanted to make him cry.

So when he first heard about her being ill he begged his father to let him come home early to take care of her, luckily he agreed.

Scorpius walked into potions, he shared this class with Gryffindor, which meant he would get to see Rose and talk to her.

A couple minutes passed by and students began to enter the dungeons, then Rose showed up but to Scorpius displeasure she walked into the classroom hand in hand with none other then Lorcan Scammander.

Scorpius' eyes narrowed, had the two gotten together while he was gone? He thought, but he deep down he knew the voice was right, he had always had a crush on her and he had observed her little obsession with Lorcan.  He knew she liked him but when she had kissed him she had made it quite clear she had no feelings towards Lorcan.

Lorcan bent down a little and placed a kiss on Rose's forehead and walked away, a blush began to appear on her cheeks.

She looked around the room in pursuit to find a spare chair, then she locked eyes with Scorpius, he saw guilt flash in her eyes but she quickly regained herself,then her eyes shifted to look at the chair next to him, since he was really shy he didn't have much friends from his own house, and the Gryffindors despised him with every living fiber in them so nobody sat next to him.

He realised she was making her way to sit next to him, he grabbed his bag and placed it on the seat, trying to send her a telepathic message that he didnt want anything to do with her!

The audacity this girl has leading him on while she was pinning after another.

"Is this seat taken?" Her voice asked, Scorpius loved her voice it was smooth but there was a knot in his throat that wouldn't allow him to speak.

She stared at him for a while trying to decide if he wanted her to sit there.

"No-" he began but was cut off by her voice.

"No?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows, it wasnt in a rude way like his other classmates would have done, she said it like she was surprised he even answered at all.

"No,sorry, you cant sit here." He whispered, trying to sound brave, but in all honesty he was terrified of what she might do.

As the years passed at his time in Hogwarts he realised people began to start rumours about him that weren't true if they didnt get the what they wanted from him.

If Rose weasley daughter of two third of the golden trio decided to spread rumours about him everyone would believe her since she was treated like royalty at school.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I just dont want you to sit here." He said trying to sound relaxed.

"I'm still sitting here since I have nowhere to go." She said placing his bag on the floor and sitting down beside him.

Scorpius rolled his eyes, and Rose chuckled.

"Where'd the attitude come from Mr Malfoy?" She asked.

"I just tend to use this attitude around people I dislike." he snapped a little too loudly causing some of their classmates to turn around and face them.

Scorpius shot each student a glare signaling them to mind their own business, since he wasn't in the mood to be a push over.

Rose just stared at him mouth slightly open,"since when were you rude?" Rose asked staring at her feet.

Scorpius sighed she clearly enjoyed acting innocent,"Wealsey, you lead me on a month ago and now you have a boyfriend, stop acting so innocent."

Rose seemed not sorry at all but her eyes told a different tale, they were guilty and he could tell.

She looked away and focused on her book.

"If you liked him from the beginning you shouldn't have lead me on and made me believe that you liked me." He carried on.

Scorpius had always been sensitive, the smallest things made him want to run and hide in a corner and just cry, so it was no surprise when his eyes began to tear up.

He grabbed his bag," if you dont mind I have to go." He said turning around and walking out of the potions classroom hoping she didnt see his tears.

He ran back to his dormitory and opened the door, their laid his best and only friend, Andrew.

Andrew's head shot up and looked at Scorpius, immediately realizing he was upset.

"Scor what's wrong?" He asked using a calm tone trying to calm his friend down.

"Its nothing really." Scorpius said as he wiped the tears on his face using his sleeve.

"Scorpius." Andrew said placing a hand on his hip, like he always did when he was serious."Its not normal of you to barge into our dormitory and break down crying over nothing, so you better tell me what's wrong before I go to the potions class and ask everyone why you're crying!" He threatened pulling Scorpius in for a hug.

"I-" scorpius said but Andrew cut him off.

"Clam down, when you feel like you're okay you can tell me everything."

A while later Scorpius' breathing returned normal

"You're not stupid. Shes the stupid one she lost the most amazing man on this planet." Andrew relayed hugging him again, after he was told the entire story

"I wish I was Lorcan." Scorpius mumbled.

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