The End

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All the rage and anger over losing his friend ray made him want his brother dead all the more. He would kill gregor. He would kill him and he could finally move on with his life. Feel free again. Free to move on and be happy with kitty and daisy and little daphne.

But kitty didn't understand his need to kill his brother. She didn't understand because the man that hurt her, she had already killed. She didnt have to live with the pain of knowing the cunt that raped her lived another day. Sandor had to life his whole life knowing that his brother walked free. No consequence. No punishment. Sandor was going to kill gregor.


'No sandor no' kitty yelled but he wasn't listening why was he never listening!


'No. Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to me? To us? Your family!'

'I have to'

'No you dont! I feel like i just got you back and now you are going to get yourself killed!' kitty yelled, daisy covered her ears and daphne mirrored her.

'What if i kill him aye?'

'What if he kills you!! Gods how could you be so fucking stupid!'

'Woman' sandor grumbled

'No! You are happy right? With me and the girls? You love us, we love you! We can stop fighting and live life. We can live free of our past and our screwed up families sandor please. Choose me. Choose us.' He pulled her in and kissed her hard but when he pulled away he moved away from her and down the path that would lead back the kings landing.

'No' kitty yelled

'Im sorry flower. I love you'

'No you dont. If you loved me at all you wouldnt do this!' She cried

'Wheres dada going' daisy asked

'To get himself killed' kitty whispered.

Sandor was gone a day before he realized he made a mistake and he didnt care if his brother was dead. Because if he lost the three good things in his life for that cunt then he really was a fool. He turned around faster than before. Traveling all throughout the night until he reached the inn where he had left them. His family. He hoped they would still be there but as he walked into the empty tavern his hopes diminished. He moved past the barmaid and up to the room they had occupied he knocked once hearing the laughter and singing of his girls. Kitty opened the door but she wasnt happy

'I didnt do it.' He said softly. 'You were right.'

'Oh course i was. I always am.' She told him.

'You are more important, the girls are more important than my hatred for me brother... Loving you for the rest of my life is more important than anything else. Im sorry i didnt see that immediately.'

'Im glad you figured it out before it was too late'

'Its not too late?' sandor asked

'No.' She pulled him into the room kissing him as they moved. The girls jumped up saying daddys back hugging him as well.

'Lets see if third times a charm,' she gestured to her two girls, their two girls. 'for having a boy. What do you say?'

You will Never be a Lion // Sandor CleganeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora