5 months later

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Five months later

No one expected kitty to be home, not within the first year of her marriage and certainly not alone.

When she returned home they were having a tournament and everyone froze when they saw her. She was a mess she bowed before the king glared at Cersei and rushed past her two brothers and she looked at Sandor as she ran past unable to stop her legs as she head towards the gardens taking off in the sprint. Sandor followed suit as did her brothers.

'What the fuck is she doing back?' Cersei grumbled

Kitty dropped to her knees sobbing. Sobbing uncontrollably until she couldnt breathe. Soon large arms envelope to her trying to calm her down she looked up at Sandor her eyes filled with tears.

'What did they do to you flower what did they do to you? Tell me I'll kill him right now.'

'already dead.' She whispered.

'what?' Sandor didn't think he heard her correctly, already dead? His flower, killed the cunts?

'It's too late I already killed him but it's also too late for me' she put her hand on her stomach and sandor knew.

She didn't hear her brothers come up behind her and she started to explain what happened.

'It only took five fortnights to get there,' she began 'But he didn't wait til we were back he raped me constantly, in front of all his men, the entire journey. Then when we got back to his castle...' she knew he was dead, she knew she had killed him yet she still hated him, still wished she could have caused him more pain then she allowed. 'He bound me and raped me and beat me. Day and night i hung in his chambers crying. When he was done for the moment he would let me down to eat or drink. The maids would come in and clean the blood from my body and then... He would do it all over again!' She screamed louder as she talked still clutching onto sandor for dear life. He rubbed circles into her and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

'After three months i had enough. I couldnt let that be my life,' she sobbed. 'So after he released me from my binding and went to sleep i stabbed him i kept stabbing him until i knew he couldn't possibly be alive then i stabbed myself. If that man put a child in me i didnt want it. But apparently i have bad aim or the little ones a fighter...." her had moved to her stomach she could feel the scar still fresh.

'Oh flower' sandor said moving a hand to her stomach.

'I screamed that we had been attacked and they tried to save me. I was with the measter for a week then we had a funeral and then i the grieving widow...' she scoffed. 'i told the hollands that i must return to my family to mourn. They accepted and send two guards to accompany me. I left them at the gate ran the rest of the way." Tyrion and jaime wrapped arms around her but she didnt let go of sandor.

'I dont want his child' she muttered weakly.

'Its your child too though love' tyrion whispered. 'And this child will be nothing like the father and everything like you. We will make sure of it.'

'I need to punch someone. Hard!' she yelled still crying. That was when an idea struck.

Every prisoner was brought forward to the jousting arena where little kitty lannister was to duel them. Cersei loved the idea. Kill the brat once and for all. Jaime and tyrion knew she was a skilled fighter but this was madness. Sandor hated the idea and begged her not to but she woudlnt listen

'Dont you see she wants to die!' Sandor told tyrion and jaime but the king said let the games begin. So they begun.

'Win against kitty lannister and you get your freedom. Lose and well you lose your fucking life!' King Robert declared as the men lined up against Kitty.

'Seriously?' a few said looking at the girl, she was just a child but she was not afraid, she was a force to be reckoned with.

'Yes yes whos first?'

Kitty used all her anger and resentment from the past four moons and destroyed each and every opponent. Cersei was displeased seeing as though kitty only received a few blows, a few cuts. Robert loved it said we should do this all the damn time kitty vs we could call it!

Kitty scratched at the eyes of the next opponent before digging her claws in popping his eyes they ozzed out Around her fingers before she stabbed him with his own blade. She pictured Lord Holland and Cersei on each of her opponents faces, it made the deaths that much sweeter.

After kitty won every battle she cried. She wept until her eyes ran dry. She didnt want his baby. She didnt want anything to do with him yet somehow she was left with the memories and now a growing reminder of what he did to her.

You will Never be a Lion // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now