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Ray walking along when he found a man, a giant. He was dead at his feet.

'poor lad.' He examined the mans face and noticed the scared face. 'bloody hound.' He whispered. 'I will give you a proper grave.' As he started to dig the hound coughed. Ray couldn't believe the man was alive. He checked a pulse and there is was, faint but there. 'bloody hell!' he gathered his man and they helped him bring the hound back to the camp. Everyone was in a tizzy about the man but kitty wasn't paying them any attention until she heard them say hound. 

5 months later.

Kat sat with her girls making supper for everyone, daisy was helping while daphne was banging sticks on rocks.

'you gonna be a musician like me Daph?' kat asked as she mashed some potatoes.

'you don't sing anymore mama.' Daisy said as she help with the potatoes.

'I don't?' kitty didn't remember the last time she sang. She hummed the girls to sleep but really sang... it had been months maybe.

'I miss your songs mama.' Daisy said as daphne drabbled on playing with sticks.

'I guess I'm just not in the mood to sing.'

'since dada?' daisy asked knowing the answer.

'yeah since dada.'

You will Never be a Lion // Sandor CleganeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα