my father can help

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Kitty didn't know what they were doing. Arya was acting like they kidnapped her, which kitty supposed they sort of did but it wasn't like they were going to hurt her. they were trying to get her back to her brother and mother. So was better than living with cave people worshipping fucking fire right?

They were all asleep, or that's what kitty thought but she heard sandor and arya talking.

'you got one shot girl, just one. Make it count.' Sandor said, he had kitty in one arm and daisy in the other. Kitty shot up.

'ARYA!' she yelled and arya dropped the large stone to the ground. "ARYA!' kitty said again 'I otta take you over my knee and slap your ass!'

'he killed my friend!' arya snapped back.

'fucking rediculous. Still on that? its been over a year, gods how long has it been, it feels like forever since winterfell.' Kitty remarked.

'yes it does feel like forever!' arya shouted back. Daisy woke up and smiled up at arya.

'are we playing a game?' daisy asked looking between them.

'no honey, just talking... loudly.' Kitty said pulling sandor to his feet. 'since we are all awake might as well get a move on.'

'where are we going anyways?' arya asked.

'to your brother.' Kity said as she packed up their things.

'my brother? Youre not taking me back to the king?'

'fuck the king!' sandor shouted and arya nodded. She was going to be with her family....


'my father can help you.' Arya offered the man with the broken cart. Sandor grumbled but kitty nodded nudging him towards the man. Sandor easily lifted the cart and the wheel was fixed.

'wow thank you. I could use a man like you.' He looked between the four of them. 'can I offer you folks some supper for helping me. my daughter makes a wonderful stew.'

'that sounds great!' arya said 'right mommy?' she looked to kitty who smiled and pinched her cheek.

'right honey.' Kitty wrapped her arm around arya. 'that sounds so nice, we have been travelling for a while, don't you think love?' she asked sandor and he grumbled but agreed.

'got any wine?' sandor asked and kitty slapped him.

'no, sorry I don't have any wine.'

'I'm sorry too.' Sandor grumbled. Arya was ont her second bowl in no time.

'rabbit?' daisy said as she ate and she pushed the bowl away. 'like little peter rabbit?' kitty pet her daughters hair and she wiped at her tongue. 'I'm not eating peter rabbit!' she declared sticking with bread. Sandor took daisys bowl and downed it.

'this is really lovely. Thank you.' Kitty said to the mans daughter who had cooked the meal.

'you are very welcome... you are very pretty ma'am.' She said eating her own stew.

'oh why thank you, you are quite beautiful yourself.' Kitty told her and the girl blushed.

'you know I could really use a man like you in the coming months. I cant pay you but I got room in the barn and I would give ya meals... I could really use the help around here.' The man said still amazed at the size of the man. Kitty opened her mouth to decline but sandor spoke up.

'yeah. Sure why not.' Kitty looked at sandor confused.

'that's wonderful.'

They all slept in the barn that night, daisy thought it was fun another stop on their big adventure but kitty didn't like it. She missed real beds and warm fires and fresh clothes and clean hair. She was used to all the fine things Lannister gold had gotten her all her life and now she was in a barn and she didn't remember the last time she bathed. She felt disgusting.

When she woke sandor was not with her, neither was arya but she heard yelling. She got daisy up and they ran to the noise.

'I thought you weren't a theif!' arya yelled at him.

'hes a dead man, dead men don't need money.' Sandor explained. 'good youre up. Lets go.' Kitty rushed daisy past the man beaten on the ground. She wasn't pleased with sandor either at the moment but knew that without his help the man wouldn't survive the winter. And winter was coming.

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