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They stayed in bed the rest of the day. Sandor should have been watching the prince but everyone was distracted by the starks arrival that no one noticed his absence.

The starks were placed down the hall from kitty to neds request and they girls were glad to have kitty nearby.

As the starks got settled cersei was plotting on how to get sansa back. She needed the girl to be a submissive queen one day, taking her advice and not listening to kitty. She needed to win her back but being nice was not a strong suit of cersei she was have to play the game brilliantly if she was going to trick her in trusting her.

Ned soon realized that Roberts way of being a king consisted of whoring and hunting. Spending the crowns money which ned couldn't understand where the money was coming from and no one on the council was giving him a straight answer.

'kitty!' ned said happily, he had been searching for the young woman but she had seemed to vanish.

'Ned, what can I do for you today?'

'My dear girl I need help.'

'of course, I'm here to help. You. Not everyone but you I will gladly help. I don't know what I could do though...' kitty said skeptically.

'I need to know where the money is coming from. King Robert seems to spend a lot but there is no real income... I'm confused.'

'lets talk in private my dear, there are ears everywhere.' She nodded to the staff. 'you never know who you can trust.'

'I can trust you though, cant I?' ned asked as they walked back to his office.

'of course. But I wouldn't put my faith in anyone else in the capital. You are a long way from winterfell. Things are different here.'

Things happened quickly after that. Tyrion was taken by Catelyn stark and kitty no longer trust the starks.

'my wife didn't do anything I didn't command.' Kitty scoffed at that.

'my brother didn't hurt your son!' she exclaimed. 'tell her to let him go!' kitty demanded.

'Kitty I'm sorry.' Ned said softly.

'NO!' she screamed. 'you tell her to let him go and we will forget all of this!' Jaime came up behind her and place a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her but he was furious as well. He would take matters into his own hands. 'Robbie make her give him back!' kitty sounded like a child that had lost her favorite toy. But she didn't care, she couldn't think straight without Tyrion. Ned hated this. Kitty had been nothing but kind to them and now his wife went and did this, gods he could kill her. wasn't she thinking of her children and him, that this would effect them, that this would hurt them!

'Tell Cat to give the imp back and all will be forgotten, aye?' Robbie said as he prepared for a hunt. Again. He was done with this conversation.

'Robbie!' kitty demanded. But he waved a hand at her dismissing them all.

'Ned, make your wife release Tyrion. It was stupid of her. does she even care about you or the girls?' kitty hissed.

'is that a threat?' ned asked thinking kitty wouldn't hurt them but the look in her eyes were deadly.

'it's a warning. You are in the lions den, I warned you that when you first got here.'

'you also said you would protect my grils. They had no part in their mothers actions.'

'so you admit you didn't have anything to do with this? This is all Catelyn?' ned took a moment before nodding.

'I'm sorry kitty I swear I didn't know.'

'she doesn't care about you. Shes not thinking about you. She is going to get you killed. You understand that don't you? Being here and just declaring that she was acting on your orders?' kitty watched his face for weakness. 'I cant protect you anymore. Not while she has Tyrion.' Kitty stomped off.


You will Never be a Lion // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now