dont go changing

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'I'm changing.' Tyrion called through the door. 'one moment.'

'don't go changing... to try and please me!" kitty sang through the door. Tyrion chuckled.

'get in here!' Tyrion said.

'no I don't want to see your naked little butt.' Kitty retorted.

'I don't want that either. I'm dressed come in.'

'are you ready for today?'

'are you?' Tyrion retorted.

'I don't want to leave. I don't ned to have to leave his son in this state.' Kitty said sitting down on tyrions trunk.

'marry Robb and everyone stay.' Tyrion said.

'Oh gods Robbie told you?'

'yes, he said that was the only way he was staying here with all this misery.'

'pish posh. I don't love ned stark that much to ruin my life in hopes that bran will wake before I wed... ah I cant even say it aloud!'

'so we are leaving, you are not declaring your undying love for the stark boy?'

'You should be a fool, telling jokes like you do.' Kitty said bitterly.

'I love you too sister,' Tyrion said as they made their way into the cold for the long journey back to kings landing.


Kitty locked eyes with sandor as she sung, he stood in the shadows but she always found him. Daisy sat next to kitty as she strummed.

'this is a sad one.' Kitty warned as they gathered round. Going back to kings landing was long and boring but now they had the entertainment of the stark girls and jon snow, well at least jon for one ore night before him and Tyrion went to the wall.

'My feet are aching

And your back is pretty tired

And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe

And set our grief aside

The Papers say it's doomsday

The button has been pressed

We're gonna nuke each other up boys

'Til old satan stands impressed

And here it is, our final night alive

And as the earth burns to the ground

Oh boy it's you that I lie with

As the atom bomb locks in

Oh it's you I watch plays with

As the world, as the world caves in

You put your final suit on

I paint my fingernails

Oh we're going out in style babe

And everything's on sale

We creep up on extinction

I pull your arms right in

I weep and say goodnight love

While my organs pack it in

And here it is, our final night alive

And as the earth burns to the ground

Oh boy it's you that I lie with

As the atom bomb locks in

Oh it's you I watch plays with

As the world, as the world caves

Oh it's you that I lie with

As the atom bomb locks in

Yes it's you I welcome death with

As the world, as the world caves in

As the world caves in'

Sandor watched her his face unreadable as everyone took a collective breath.

'I warned you.' Kitty said simply putting her ukulele down and pulling daisy into her lap.

You will Never be a Lion // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now