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A/N I know I'm changing the order of things... its my story.

The tyrells arrived and kitty couldn't help but admire the girl, Margaery tyrell. She was beautiful, the news of her beauty and kindness was greatly spoken of and it seemed they were right. She was a right and true proper lady.

'I wish us to join houses your grace.' Loras, margaery's brother spoke to the king confidently, elegantly. 'my sister was married to Renly but they never... he died before they got a chance. She is still pure.' Loras confirmed looking to his sister. Renly had been defeated by a shadow. A shadow with stannis's face... the tyrells needed a new union a new king.

'I am already engaged to another.' Joffery looked to sansa.

'some engagement.' Kitty muttered.

'your grace... I think the gods would be pleased with this new union... lady Margaery is from a noble house,' this was sansa chance to out from under their thumbs once and for all, kitty caught on to the old mans speech.

'Indeed, a house that has not struck up a rebellion the tyrells have been so helpful.' Kitty said stepping forward. 'I agree the gods would approve of dissolving your union with sansa stark and pursuing lady Margaery.' Cersei watched kitty cautiously. What was her twat of a sister up to? cersei thought as kitty smiled sweetly at joffery.

'well, if my counsel and my very brilliant aunt kitty think this is a good idea then so be it.' The tyrells let out a collective breath and sansa tried and failed to hide her smile.

'you think you are safe now?' Tyrion guessed as he caught up with her.

'I am no longer to marry joffery.' She said confused.

'you are still in a cage, little dove.' He used his sisters nickname for her. 'you are a fragile bird in the lions den. Your cage door has been opened but you are not free to leave. You are no longer protected.'

'I don't think she was ever really that protected, Tyrion.' Kitty said wrapping an arm around sansa. 'I mean the cage she been in has been crumbling with every poke and prod don't you think?' kitty went on, daisy ran ahead of them chasing a butterfly that got lost in the palace.

'they wont let me leave?' sansa asked confused.

'you are still their play thing my little wolf.' Kitty told her. 'you have called dove for far too long. You need to be a wolf again if you are going to survive by sister and her son.' Kitty walked away leaving sansa feeling more hopeless then ever. She wasn't safe, she would never be safe.

'you can not be serious.' What they were proposing was ridiculous. Tyrion looked between them. 'sansa stark?'

'yes, sansa stark.' Cersei said venomously.

'didn't we just establish that she is from a traitor house and shouldn't be trust?' Tyrion knew the girl wasn't a threat but he didn't want to marry her. he wouldn't marry her.

'hmm' cersei hummed a laugh. 'its already been set.'

'what? When? She literally just was told she wouldn't marry joffery. Where is kitty? Kitty will have things to say about this.' Tyrion said defiantly. His sister would keep this from happening. People listened to her, people liked her if she said no they would listen.

'kitty cant help you now Tyrion.' Cersei said finishing off a glass of wine. 'you will marry sansa stark and make her a Lannister. She wont be threat and she will provide you heirs which father will love... don't fuck this up.'

'what the fuck?" kitty exclaimed when Tyrion told her of cersei's plans. 'sansa is a child! You are a man, this is crazy. You wont. She wont. I will see to it.'

'cersei said it is already done.' Tyrion muttered drinking down his fifth drink of the morning.

'has anyone told-' but then sansa ran in and clung to kitty she didn't even see Tyrion drinking away his own sorrows.

'kitty,' she cried out, 'they are making me marry the imp!' Tyrion cleared his throat and waved a hand when sansa looked over to him. 'please don't let them do this!' she exclaimed.

'I'm going to do everything in my power to stop this. I promise. I promise sansa!' sansa nodded still crying into kitty's arms. 'stay here with daisy yeah? I have to talk to cersei.'

'you know,' sansa said stopping her. 'when I first met you I thought you were rude because you were calling the queen a bitch but now I know you are the most honest person in all westeros.'

'I call it like it is honey, feel free to be as blasphemous as you wish in front of me and daisy. We don't hold our tongues in this room.'

'no they certainly don't.' Tyrion said following her out. 'are you going to be able to stop this?'

'I honestly don't know Tyrion. But I'm going to try.' And try she did. But cersei and joffery and the counsel wouldn't listen. They were to be marry in a weeks time and no amount of reason or yelling was going to change that.

'joff honey,' kitty said as she walked him back to his room at the end of the night. 'I love you, you know that right?' joffery opened his room and allowed kitty inside.

'of course aunt kitty, and I love you.'

'and your uncle Tyrion? He loves you too.'

'no he doesn't and I don't love him.'

'my love,' kitty spoke softly, playing with his hair how was she going to change his mind. He was the king but he could be persuaded. But what did he want? 'I think you and Margaery are going to be happy together. She is beautiful and kind and her family has a lot of power and wealth... it is a good match...'

'I agree kitty.'

'but a match with a stark... for any Lannister... my sweet boy tyrions name would be dragged through the mud even more than he already does it himself. My name, my Lannister name will be tainted with traitor blood in the family... I just don't think cersei, I don't think she is thinking about the ramifications of her actions. I think she thinking of her hatred for our brother... do you understand?'

'kitty,' he turned and grabbed her hands, 'I love you, the lannister name is powerful, it wont stop being feared and loved because of sansa, I wont allow it. We can kill anyone that-'

'no more death honey,' kitty said giving him a hug. She could kill him, tommen would be easy to control, he would listen to her if she said stop this wedding. Joffery was to set in his mothers beast to have his own thoughts. She placed her hands on his neck stroking his cheeks, she could do it. She could kill him but that wouldn't stop cersei... he smiled at her like he used to when he was a child, when he was innocent. She couldn't kill her nephew. She did love him, that sweet boy was still there... 'good night joff... sweet dreams.' She kissed his head and left.

'good night kitty, I love you.' She closed the door and slumped against it. This wedding was happening. 

You will Never be a Lion // Sandor CleganeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz