taking a bath

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Arya was training, saying the names of the people she was going to kill. Still saying the hound last. That made kitty want to slap her but she kept her mouth shut at least arya was fencing the air instead of sandors face.

Sandor was still asleep as was daisy to kitty decided what a better time then to have a bath in the river. She got down to the water and stripped fo her clothes, they were stiff and dirty but she didn't have much more so she couldn't wash them yet, not when they were to be leaving as soon as sandor woke up. She started to hum a tune as she dipped down in the water, cleaning away the dirt and grim from their journey.

When sandor woke up he had neither of his girls in his arms. He jumped up and looked around he heard arya first. Daisy was spinning in circles pretending to fight as arya whipped her sword in the air. If you could even call it a sword. The things was as thin as a needle.

'wheres kitty?' arya just looked at him stabbing her blade in his direction. 'where is she?" he yelled. Then he saw daisy.

'mama is taking a bath.' She said pointing to the water.

'follow the sweet sound of her voice.' Arya said holding a hand to her ear.

'get ready, we leave once I get kitty.' Sandor heard her now. He made his way to her. 'time to go love.' He said and he looked up at him.

'come on in the water feels great.' She said smiling.

'come on love we are almost to the twins, get rid of the one that's trying to kill me. '

'you could really use a bath sandor, are you sure you don't want join me? I would make it worth your while.' She teased stepping up out of the water, her wet naked body coming to his armored one.

'we gotta go love.' He said bringing a hand up to breast, admiring her curves.

'come on... the girls noses will thank me.' she said pulling him with her. damn the woman was tempting.

'gotta go. After we get rid of the pup then there will plenty of time for that.' she smiled as he kissed her before slapping her ass. 'get dressed.' He watched her move as she put on her dress slowly. Putting on a show for him. Daisy came running up once they were ready.

'I helped with the horses.' Daisy said happily and off they went again. But they didn't get to drop arya off like expected.

'red fucking wedding they are calling it.' Sandor muttered. 'they killed everyone that would have taken the little bitch.'

'hey I'm right here and i can hear you!' arya spat back. She had lost her brother and her mother and her father... she didn't know what was to come of sansa or even if she was still alive. Jon at the wall. Was he alive? Bran and rickon were dead. She had no one.

'you have an aunt.' Kitty said thinking through the family tree.

'what? Ive never met her.'

'lady of the veil.' Kitty said. 'the veil, she will want her niece back.'

'ive never even meet her!' arya repeated.

'lets hope she wants you.' Sandor grumbled as they set off again.

Kitty would have kept arya with them. But she knew arya wanted to live with sandor just about as much as sandor wanted to live with arya.


The journey to the veil was long and boring but kitty preferred boring to sandor and arya trying to snap each others necks.

'I want a real bed.' daisy whined as they passed a small in.

'a real bed and a real bath!' arya exclaimed. 'especially for you hound, you reek!'

'alright you little-' sandor said but kitty stopped her horse. Daisy jumped down happily making her way to the inn.

'one night in a real bed, san...'

'I don't think-'

'the girls can share a room and we can get our own...' kitty said softly and he nodded. It had been to fucking long.

'alright, twist my arm.' He joked

They paid for two rooms a bath for each and a hot meal. It was money well spent. Kitty washed daisy while sandor took a bath in their room. Kitty tucked daisy in and arya promised to look after daisy as if she was her real sister. Kitty thanked her and told them both goodnight.

Sandor was waiting naked on the bed when kitty got back.

'impatient much?' she asked as he pulled at her dress. 'do not rip this. I want to soak it tonight so its dry for the moring.'

'woman!' sandor grumbled.

'take it off and throw it in the water.' Kitty said kissing him. 'I will deal with it after.' She said happily. It have been too fucking long. 

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