a haze

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Time passed in a haze. Ned was injured. Kitty knew this would happen she didn't think Jaime would be the one to do it but she was pleased he was standing up for their brother, finally. Then Robbie was shot. Kitty cried in his bed as he told her everything would be fine. Ned limped in next. Kitty couldn't be mad at him, she tried but seeing him wounded and pathetic she couldn't be mad anymore.

'you asked to see me?' ned asked coming to sit beside them.

'yes I want you to write something down.'

'I can leave.' Kitty said rising but Robbie grabbed her hand.

'stay love. I want you here when I pass.' He said kissing her hand. She nodded.

Ned wrote what the king said and Robbie gave it the kingly sign of approval. Kitty read it over and rose a brow once she finished.

'that's not exactly what he said.' She told him. How did ned figure out joffery wasn't Roberts?

'its what he meant don't you think?' ned asked nervously. After a long moment at staring at each other kitty nodded.

'yes. I think you are right... things are going to worse before they get better ned.' Kitty warned.

'will you look after my girls?'

' are you going somewhere?'

'I think we both know the answer to that.'

'I wont let them-'

'will you look after my girls? Please kitty you are the only one I trust. The only one.' Kitty nodded tears in her eyes.

'yes. Of course. But ned... they need you... it was nice having a friend here. Someone I could trust. Someone with his head on proper. Someone not kissing cersei's ass.' Ned smiled at her over Roberts dead body. 'I guess its time to tell the vultures the king is dead.'


'I'm a dead man.' Ned told kitty as she handed him water and bread. 'thank you.'he took it down gratefully.

'I'm working on things but joffery is being a pain in the ass as usual. You know he used to be a good boy a sweet boy, cersei didn't beat him enough as a child when these behaviors started to come forward... gods you are not going to die...'

'say that like you mean it kitty.' Ned said laughing as her pacing back and forth.

'I'm sorry I'm such a mess. This is awful. But I'm trying and the girls are a mess but they are strong and brave and they have been staying with me so they are alright.'

'good, good. Thank you katarina.' She looked down at him. 'thank you.' He repeated and they heard the door of the dungeons open. 'go.' Ned whispered.

'I will be back soon. And with a better fucking plan.' Kitty whispered making her escape.

It was sansa. Telling her father to confess his sins and confess that joffery is the rightful king and heir and he would live. Ned smiled at his daughter. His naive daughter. She couldn't possibly believe that joffery would let him live? But there was hope in her eyes.

Hope is wasted on the young and foolish. Ned was executed sansas screams still rang out in kittys ears even as sansa slept peacefully in kittys bed, tears stained her cheeks. Arya was gone. Gone. Kitty couldn't fathom it. She just disappeared. Ned was dead less than a day and Kitty had already lost have of her charges.

'fuck, fuck, fuckidity fuck.' Kitty said when she saw sansa looking up at neds severed head. 'stay with sandor.' Kitty whispered passing her off to sandor as she rushed past.

'maybe he will bring me yours!' sansa snapped and kitty wanted to high five her but suddenly ser merryn, the cunt was slapping her. kitty pulled him back and he rose a hand at her, she punched him in the nose and he stumbled back.

'Aunt kitty!' joffery barked.

'Joff, a word.' Kitty said before turning to sansa and guiding her away. 'can you take daisy back to my room and wait for me there? please?' sansa nodded and daisy ran to her. kitty grabbed joff by the collar and tipped him over the edge of the walkway. Sansa turned and grinned seeing what she was doing. Sandor took a step forward but knew he wasn't going to stop her. he wanted to push the little prick off.

'aunt kitty!' joffery shrieked.

'you are being a little cunt you know that!' kitty snapped. 'you didn't used to be this way. You used to be my perfect little boy. What the fuck happened to him? I don't know who this man is parading around with a crown that doesnt fit his fucking head!'' she snapped before throwing joffery to the ground at her feet. 'you disappoint me nephew.' With that she stomped away bringing sansa and daisy with her.

'that was so awesome kitty.' Sansa whispered.

'glad you approve. God he needs a good beating, beat some fucking sense into him.' Kitty muttered.

A/N I feel like my inner bitch comes out when I write Kitty Lannister sometimes.

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