Chapter 271 - Chapter 285

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Chapter 271: The Greater Displacement Medallion and an Ancient Transportation Formation

"Greater Displacement Medallion" Han Li had never heard of this name before! Seeing that Lu Tianmeng and Xuan Ye had acted to eliminate all others, this object was obviously precious.

However, facing the strange appearance of the rainbow skeleton, Han Li didn't dare to rashly act.

He took out his golden blades and carefully touched the skeleton with it. Seeing that nothing happened, he felt reassured and walked closer, attentively sizing up the command medallion.

The blue luster of the command medallion faintly released twinkling light similar to gems. The medallion was engraved with simple decorative designs and an ancient character. It was clearly an object of ancient origin. As for other areas, Han Li didn't find anything noteworthy. The spiritual power contained within wasn't very large either.

Han Li pondered for a moment and used his golden blade to lightly pick at it, causing the command medallion to easily fall from the hand.

After picking it up with his hand, he noticed that it wasn't made of metal as he had imagined. It was both flexible and hard. It seemed to have been refined from wood.

After Han Li fiddled with it for a moment, he attempted to inject it with a bit of spiritual power.

But then a huge suction force came from the command medallion, taking a great amount of spiritual power away from his body. Fearful, Han Li cut off the spiritual power connection without delay, causing the suction force to disappear.

Having suffered, Han Li didn't dare to recklessly attempt it again and carefully put the command medallion away in his storage pouch.

Then he looked at the several layers of the mysterious transportation formation. He felt very curious regarding where the transportation formation went!

Naturally, Han Li didn't attempt to recklessly use it. Furthermore, even if he truly had such idiotic thoughts, he would be incapable of acting upon them. This was because a corner of the transportation formation had already been damaged. Although the damage was not much, it was sufficient to cause the transportation formation to be inoperable.

Han Li blinked his eyes and suddenly took out a jade slip. He started to record the transportation formation's appearance and decorative design, preparing to ask others about it and see if he could restore the transportation method. He was greatly looking forward to this!

After doing all of this, Han Li looked around the huge cavern to see if there was anything he had missed.

As a result, behind a coarse stone pillar, he had discovered two sparkling translucent eggs, each about the size of a fist.

When Han Li saw this, he was pleasantly surprised. Without guessing, he already knew they were the eggs of the spider demonic beast.

Having personally experienced that spider demonic beast's ferocity, how could Han Li miss this opportunity? He immediately looked for a leather pouch that specialized in holding spiritual beasts from a Spirit Beast Mountain cultivator's storage pouch. Then he carefully put the spider eggs into the bag and then stuffed the bag into his pocket.

With this harvest, Han Li looked around even more attentively, but unfortunately he found nothing else.

However, Han Li didn't mind as he was perfectly content with his spoils.