Maddy brushed gentle fingers over Jungkook's eyebrow piercing. "Did it hurt?"

Jungkook shook his head, "No, it was the least painful piercing I've gotten. But I honestly am not sure I'm going to keep it because today was such a bad day and I really don't want to be reminded of it."

"Keep it for a week, then decide if you still want it or not." Maddy suggested. Jungkook nodded in agreement.

They were both getting tired and Maddy started to climb off Jungkook so they could sleep but he squeezed her tight so she couldn't move. "Can you sleep like this? Is it comfortable?"

"On top of you? I don't want to smash you. But, yeah, it's comfortable." Maddy yawned as she spoke.

His hands rubbed up and down her back. "Then stay here. I need to feel you tonight. I need to know you are alive and safe." 

"Okay, Kookie." Maddy wrapped her arms around his middle and tucked her hands under his back, then laid her cheek on his chest and fell asleep quickly. Jungkook's hands burrowed under her pajama top to rub her back. He didn't fall asleep right away but just felt her breathing and assured himself that she was indeed alive and well tonight.


The next morning Jungkook woke up to wind and rain shaking the house. He had been too busy recently to follow the weather report so he was surprised by the fierceness of the storm outside. He hadn't even been aware that it was coming. Maddy was still sleeping comfortably on his chest. He chuckled a bit at how comfortable they were sleeping together now. It was nearly impossible to sleep without her and he knew she felt the same way. On days he wasn't able to sleep over, they both went to school tired from lack of sleep.

Jungkook rolled Maddy off of him, but snuggled her until she got comfortable in the new position. He had learned now how to leave without waking her. He pressed a few kisses to her forehead and she relaxed into the bed. He looked down on her sleeping form and just thought how beautiful she was. He had started having feelings for Maddy that were more than just for friends. He hadn't analyzed it all yet, but he thought their friendship might need to deepen soon to something more than just friends. He really didn't want to rush it though. She was too important to risk messing up with.


The storm brewed through the first few periods at at school. The PE classes had to play volleyball in the gym because it was not safe for the students to be outside. Maddy had been nervous all day long. Storms didn't make her nervous per se, but the flickering lights that went along with it certainly did. She sat extra close to Jungkook during lunch and he ate with his arm around her because he could tell how on edge she was.

After lunch was over, Jungkook walked Maddy to her Choir class before heading to Art himself. He gave her a nice long hug outside of choir and confirmed that she was doing alright before leaving her.

When he got to Art he set up his paints and continued working on the nighttime landscape piece he had started. It was the view at the lake the night he and Maddy had gone to the party early in their friendship. The assignment had been to draw a nighttime scene and this was the one that instantly came to mind.

A talented girl from his Art class named Jihu greeted him. He had taken Art with her almost every semester since their freshman year. Because they were both talented painters, they were now in Advanced Art which was the highest level. Jungkook liked the way they could discuss their paintings together but she didn't flirt with him. It was just nice to discuss their common interest. He never really saw her much outside of Art class.

The lights flickered and Jungkook wondered how Maddy was doing. They both currently had classes in the electives wing of the school. There were four classrooms together in the center of the building that had no windows except to the hallway. All the rooms had a skylight but it was such a dark day that it didn't provide much extra light. There was a choir room, an art room, a band room, and a wood shop. In the middle of the four rooms was a teacher prep room, so each classroom had a door to the hallway and also a door in the back to the teacher workroom. 

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