Jess felt animosity towards her father, she knew she shouldn't think I'll of the dead but seeing her mom this vulnerable broke her heart.

"The worst part was, I still loved him regardless of what he did, a few months after, just two months before I gave birth to you, Adam contacted me again, he apologized for his stupidity and wanted to make it right with me and our unborn child. He uttered words of promise and took responsibility. I believed him, I did. We took this photo with the promise of building our family together, but those were empty promises. After that, I never heard from him ever again." Kris concluded.

Tears fell on Jess's face, unable to contain her emotions. Her mother never knew what happened to Adam. She never knew and moved on with her life living in the cloak of bitterness because of a promise he failed to fulfill, that he can't fulfill.

"Jessie?" Kris's eyes softened as she wiped her tears away.

"He died Mom, he died..." she whispered in between breaths.

Kris's shocked face went still as her eyes glistened too. She suppresses her whimper.

Jess told her mother about what happened to Adam, she sniffed in between her words, relaying that the outcome of those long years her mother suffered was just straight brutal.

She heard a soft sob as the truth finally sank in. Jess tried to comfort her mother as she cradled her in her arms.

She allowed the moment to linger "Let it all out Mom, let it all out..." came her soothing words.


Jess was supporting her mother's fragile frame as they walked side by side in the grassy soil of the cemetery. Kris wanted to visit her father's grave and though she had inhibitions, she gave in to her request. She needed this closure too.

Amid the gently bowing branches, amid the bonny kind of flowers, a sense of serenity comes to the cemetery.

When they reached his tombstone, Jess saw his name engraved skillfully as she read what was written. She suddenly felt her mother's hold tighten. She silently offered a short prayer and narrated what she wanted to say through her mind.

"I never had a chance to know you I wish I did but fate plans a different path for us. I hope you are at peace now; we forgive you, Dad" 

A strong wind passed by, and Jess secured the shawl she wore during that day, she looked at her mother and her face was solemn. She has no idea what she's thinking but she is also hoping healing can start for her. Jess realized life is indeed short and harboring hatred would not do her any good. She moved closer to her mother and whispered. "I love you mom".

Kris's eyes damp upon hearing her words. "I'm so sorry Jess, I am so sorry for everything".

She nodded and embraced her once again.

Weeks passed when they went to the graveyard with her mother and Jess was now back in the recording studio, working. She has been practicing the songs that will be recorded on her new album. Alexander has been her constant mentor throughout the process. Being able to meet some of the respective names in the industry, the musical director, producer, and other songwriters is still a surreal moment for Jess. The world she's in still feels foreign to her, but Alexander has been considerate of her needs too so it wasn't too difficult to adjust accordingly.

"Since the last collaboration you had with Shaun Hays was successful, there is one song in the album that you will do a duet with him, we already talked with his label and we are finalizing some things to make it happen," Alexander stated.

"Did he agree to do it though?" Jess asked.

"He looks forward to it..." Alexander replied.

Jess nodded, since the altercation between Rick and Shaun happened, she has yet to talk to Shaun about the incident. Things felt like a whirlwind lately, she missed Rick too. He was pulled away for work and promoting some endorsement and she hasn't seen him for a while now.

Alexander then paused and looked at Jess earnestly. "Is there something I need to know between you, Shaun, and Rick?" he asked suddenly.

They were having a break, and both were just sitting on the couch when her eyes displayed a stunned expression.

"Why do you ask?" She tried to dodge the question.

"I have my doubts, but I need confirmation, you know about tabloids and how damaging this news is. We don't want to be subjected to these kinds of rumors or if it's inevitable at least how we can mitigate it on our end. So, it's better to come out clean with me if there's something I need to know." He pointed out.

Jess closed her eyes. Of course, Alexander noticed, he's keenly observant always lingering, and she can't get away with denying it even further.

"Shaun is my childhood friend..." She began narrating the story. She shared an overview of their relationship and what transpired and turned the events upside down. She tackled a bit on what happened in the boot camp as well as the animosity of Shaun towards Rick, leaving her stuck in the middle of their fierce ego contest.

"What about you and Rick?" he asked without flinching.

He won't miss anything then, huh? She thought to herself.

"We are alright." She replied feeling scrutinized under his gaze.

"You know that's not what I meant" he cut her words short.

She sighed. "Rick will explain everything more to you and Mr. Hacks, but your doubts are true." She simply responded.

Alexander nodded, understanding her explanation. Then he suddenly held her hand and gently tapped it.

"Jess, Rick, Rick is a troubled soul. He is a good man but troubled. I don't know how deep this relationship is right now, but I am asking you to be more patient with him. He already went through a lot and conquered some of his demons, but he is still that fragile little child we took and cared for all these years." He stated that made Jess even more confused.

She's now slowly trying to get to know Rick better, each time they spent together made her feel closer to him but hearing from Alexander that there's a story beyond what she already knows makes her feel insecure about this relationship. Of course, she understands that time can unfold all these walls he probably put up, but she feels the more steps she takes towards him the further he distances himself and that she's back to square one at this point.

She touched her temple and tried to relax her mind. She's overreacting. She needs to calm down.

"I don't know what happened to Rick yet, but we will figure it out together. Thank you, Alexander, for letting me know." She simply said and Mr. Miller gave her a reassuring smile in return.

The day went busy after they resumed the practice, but Jess's mind was out there somewhere thinking what fate would bring forth for both her and Rick.

She prayed silently. 

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