I'm Not Leaving, Ever

Comenzar desde el principio

"And you won't... I'm not part of that family anymore," Dew gently comforts with a smile. 

"What do you mean? Did father do something?" Godt widens his eyes. "Or did something happen again? Did you get bullied?" 

Dew chuckles sadly. "You're still worrying about me. Even after what I've done... No, our father and my mother got divorced. Because my mother tried setting me up with someone I didn't like. I pushed back and they fought."

"Ohh..." Godt listens. "That's... unexpected." 

"I also fought with my mother... And I cut myself out. So I'm no longer her son." Dew says nonchalantly. 

"You cut yourself out? Why?" Godt asks. 

"Because it would be the same cycle over and over again. She will remarry and want me to be the perfect son. I'm tired of that. I don't want to be perfect." 

"I see... So, you're with father? Or by yourself?" 

Dew shakes his head. "Father doesn't know I left. I wiped all my savings and property to another identity so my mother can't control me. The first thing I did was book a ticket to Thailand. I needed to tell you what happened. I'll be living the life I always wanted. And so should you."

Godt breaks into a smile and stirs his tea, his mind filled with emotions. 

"Another thing I wanted to tell you is I didn't stop the breakup between you and Mark because I knew he was cheating on you. He is now married to the woman he cheated on."

Godt sighs again. He did know that Mark was somehow cheating but he did not confirm his suspicions. There was still one suspicion he had. 

"Dew? Were you actually raped that time?" 

Dew blinks and bites his lip. "No... But the trauma was already there. Still, it doesn't compare to what you went through..."

"Never compare your traumas or hardships to others. It may be insignificant to them, but it affects you. And that's all it matters." 

(A/N: This quote is to everyone! You matter! Don't let anyone else say otherwise.)

Dew nods and sips his tea. "I'll leave after this. You should head back. They're all worried for you." 

"How about you? Where will you go?" 

"Honestly, I don't know yet. Maybe I'll stay here, maybe I'll travel. I'll let the wind take me this time." 

Godt finally smiles warmly. "You finally get to do whatever you want. Do that. You deserve it." 

Dew smiles back. They both take their last sip of tea, knowing their session is ending soon. Dew sends a text to Perth and stands up after wiping his mouth with a napkin. 

"Dew? Drop by anytime. You're still my brother and I want it to stay that way." 

Dew blinks and releases a shaky breath as a tear rolls down. "You really are too kind..." 

"Text me when you settle. Anywhere." 

Dew nods and picks up his backpack. He leaves without looking back. Godt sits back and stares into his empty cup. He waits for a minute and leaves. 


Godt hears his name and looks to his right as Kimmon runs to him, closing their distance. Kimmon embraces him tightly, ignoring the gasps and whispers from the passerby. "I thought I lost you." 

"Idiot! We're in public... Let go..." Godt struggles to escape his hug. 

"No. Not letting you go..." Kimmon steps back and cups his cheeks lovingly. "I'm still not leaving. You can't escape from me. I'll follow you wherever you go. Because I belong to you. From this day forward, I, Kimmon Warodom Ruangroj, belong to you, Godt Ittiphat Anderson." 

A round of applause and cheers interrupts their love declaration. Godt blushes furiously and runs away from the crowd. Kimmon salutes his cheerers and runs to find his boyfriend. 





"Are you done being a sulky cat?" Singto teases gently. His arm holds Krist securely while his fingers gently pinch his cheek. Krist pouts and focuses on the new show they are watching. "So cute..." Singto coos. 

"P'Sing! I'm watching the series... Stop distracting me..." Krist whines. "We're at a good part where Knock is figuring out his feelings for Korn..." 

Singto laughs and surrenders. "Okay okay... Let's watch the series." He gently lays his head on Krist's shoulder, enjoying their nightly times together. 

"Ughhh... This bitch pisses me off!!" Krist growls as he watches Pleng threatens Korn. "Why can't Knock see her for who she is!! She's not even pretty!!" 

Singto secretly loves Krist's little "self-arguments" he has when he is immersed in a series. Although he is not a fan of Krist's curses, he still accepts them nonetheless as long as it is not directed at him. 

"P'Sing!! Did you see that? Pleng made herself the victim when Knock wants to break up!! WTF!!! That narcissistic bitch!!" Krist screams at the 50-inch screen. 

"Calm down, love. I'm actually more concerned with the BrightFarm couple. That is just wrong... The innocence of Farm is gonna be crushed," Singto frowns. "I'm all for age-gap couples provided it is a healthy one." 

"Mmm... Farm is too in love and doesn't see how toxic it is... P'Sing? Are we binge-watching to the end?" Krist asks with a tilt of his head. 

Singto laughs and kisses his forehead. "Mmm... I don't mind but I rather do something else..." His fingers slide inside Krist's shirt and stroke his waist. 

Krist widens his eyes and forms a blush. "P'Sing!!" 

"Ow rǔue mai (Want or not)? You pick... I'm good with both," Singto smirks, knowing the answer. 

Krist pouts again and fists his hand on Singto's shirt. He slowly pushes them up, exposing Singto's nipples before making eye contact. 

"Ow... (Want)..." 



Another update! I hope I can go back to a weekly upload. Recently my mind has been filled with thoughts of me not being a good writer. It has been affecting me but I wanted to continue writing to finish these stories. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter. The next chapter will be focused on our throuple. 

My Moon is My Life (KristSingto)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora