"So, you two knew each other?" Fred asked, not sensing the signals she cast towards him or was he blatantly ignoring it?

"Yes, we are childhood sweethearts" Shaun answered enthusiastically and a loud whistle was heard as Jose and Leny joined in the bandwagon.

"Our little Jess is now a lady..." Jose tearfully said that made her roll her eyes.

"You are all mistaken, Shaun, stop it. You are giving them the wrong idea" she stated.

A teasing smile went their way as Fred, Jose, and Leny trailed away giving them time to talk, however, Jess could feel their glaring eyes watching their every move. She breathed.

Shaun changed his demeanor and sat straight on the couch, as he removed his sunglasses and exposed his dark blue eyes, Jess realized the blue shirt he was wearing complimented him even more, making him look attractive, curious eyes went their way as some customers uttered some whispers as their gaze was directed to Shaun.

"Why is Rick acting possessive of you lately?" he asked as he took her drink and sip from it.

She shrugged her shoulders and took her drink back. "I'm not sure." She answered hoping he wouldn't call her bluff.

She wondered why he acted like that too; they made love a few times now, but Jess didn't get a clear label on what kind of relationship they had. She never expected that she would get along with this setup, she even dedicated her entire future to Shaun and left everything behind for him, but she never crossed the line or subjected herself to what she's doing now with Rick.

She felt pathetic. Her mood started to shift and suddenly she felt Shaun's hands covering hers.

"I ended things with Cindy and the record label will also be assigning a new manager from now on. I want to set the record straight and do what is right, I needed to prove myself worthy to you..." he sincerely stated.

His words echoed loudly in her ears, a few months back if Shaun had said the exact words to her older self, she would probably have died right there. Could this be a confession of love for her? Maybe, but the magic it holds for the past few years has now diminished and that hope of wanting this man for herself has lost its sparks and value. Rick is now holding the torch of her heart and Rick is the only one she wants for now.

She exhaled. "Shaun..." she paused momentarily and stared at him. "I want you to know I am proud of you but... we can't, I can't anymore..." why is speaking so difficult?

"Is this something to do with Rick?" he asked as Jess noticed the tightening of his knuckles, his lips quivering.

"I..." she attempted to say.

"You can't possibly throw all our memories away Jess, you hardly know him. Where's his family? Do you know his friends? Where did he go to school? His interest, hobbies? Previous lovers?" Shaun stated facts as each question stabbed lightly to her chest.

She can't even answer those basic questions. The reality is dawning on her, she has no idea who Rick Reed is.

She gulped.


The crowd has a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shine like the morning light and the people move like enchanting shoals of fish. There is chatter in the audience, old friends catching up, new friends made. Jess had never been claustrophobic before, but in that almighty swell of humanity, she felt the panic rise in her chest. When the audience moved, she must also because if her feet fail to keep up, she's risking being trampled underfoot. She felt the warmth of all bodies pressing in. She could smell the sweat in the air along with the over-applied perfume. She felt dizzy.

Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now