Chapter 28

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
As Amanda sat in the back of her parent's car, she just kept staring out the window. She watched as the scenes outside the car kept whizzing by her. How did Dr. Corman not have any idea who Dr. Black was?  Was it possible that the hospital administrator just didn't have time to get to know all of is staff? After all, Dr. Corman was a busy man. Or was there something sinister going on?

If Dr. Black hadn't come by the house the other day with her uncle's trinket, she might have thought that she had only dreamt about him; that he might not even be real. However he not only came to the house, but Mark had also seen him as well. In fact, Mark had seemed a bit wary of him. Did he know something that she didn't?

Perhaps Dr. Black was an imposter just as Dr. Corman had feared. After she had told him about Dr. Black, Dr. Corman became alarmed at the thought of some pervert, who had been pretending to be a doctor, was taking advantage of young girls who had been patients at the hospital.

"Someone's awful quiet." She heard her father say. As Amanda looked up, she saw her father looking back at her through the rear-view mirror. "Are you okay sweetheart?"

Her father's voice had startled her out of the trance like state that had been caused by the motion of the car. "I'm sorry, I guess I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

Her mother, who had been sitting in the front passenger's seat, also chimed in. "Well that's understandable. After-all, the eve of a girl's eighteenth birthday only happens once in a lifetime. Tonight marks a whole new beginning for you. As of midnight you will no longer be a little girl, you will officially become an adult. I thought you'd seem excited about it."

"Oh knock it off, Ester." Her father said. "Mandy will always be my little girl."

Maybe most girls would have been mortified by what her father had just said, but Amanda couldn't help but feel touched by his comment. Feeling teary eyed, she unbuckled her seatbelt, leaned forward, and gently wrapped her arms around his neck. She then gave her father a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks dad."

Her mother just looked at the two of them and smiled. "Well of course she will always be our little girl. But we have to face facts. Our little Amanda is about to become a full grown woman."

"Maybe, but you'll always be my mom and dad." Amanda added. "And I love you both very much." Perhaps she needed to be wary of someone like Dr. Black. But at least she knew that she could always rely on her parents.


It had all happened so fast, that the entire incident had been one big blur. Robert barely remembered overpowering the guard, stealing his uniform, and taking the police car. He would now be a wanted man. But that didn't matter to him, for he knew that his family was in danger. Even if he hadn't just escaped from prison, he knew that there was no one he could trust. Robert wasn't sure just how far Apep's followers had infiltrated the local authorities. But come hell or high water, he would protect his family.

When he reached his brother's home, he made a run for the front door. He was not even going to bother to knock. What if Apep was holding them all prisoner?  No, the best thing to do was to enter the home without the god of chaos having time to act. When he stopped off at his place to get what he needed, he had grabbed his spare key to James and Ester's place. As quickly as he could, he unlocked the front door, and flung it wide open. "James! Ester! Amanda!  Listen to me! You are all in danger!"

But there was no answer. Damn! No one is home!

The ball, they must have gone to the ball. That is where Apep was planning on abducting Amanda. But where was the ball?  It had always varied in different places from year to year. But where was it this year?  At that moment he heard a faint little mew. Robert walked over to where the sound was coming from.

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