Chapter 3

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Amanda sat in class waiting for Mr. Jacobson to arrive. She had butterflies in her stomach. All because she anticipated seeing the handsome teacher that she had bumped into earlier that day. But as she looked around the room, she noticed that some of her classmates look just as eager as she did. A couple of them were tapping their pencils against the desk, while another girl was shaking her foot while her legs were crossed.

They were all chomping at the bit for class to start. But none of it had anything to do with wanting to learn ancient history. It had everything to do with the crush that they all apparently had on the new teacher. And it wasn't all that unusual for a student to have a crush on a teacher. But all of them?

As she looked around the room that was filled with a sea of horny Junior and Senior girls, Amanda realized how ridiculous it was to even think that a romance was going to happen between one of them and Mr. Jacobson. That of course included herself. A guy like that likely had a fiancé or even a girlfriend, and even if he didn't; would he be dumb enough to risk his career?

As that thought was going through her mind, Mr. Jacobson walked into class. Somehow the man was even better looking than he was when she bumped into him earlier. His hair was really messy, and he looked like he had been sweating a little. Okay, so in all likelihood, no romance was going to blossom between the two of them. But a girl could always dream. 

"Please forgive me ladies." He stated breathlessly, as he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white dress shirt. "I left this hour's lesson plan in my car, and I had to run out and get it. It's a little hot outside, and I had to run back into the building. So, you will have to forgive my appearance. I am usually not this sweaty when I try and teach a class. This is my first teaching job, and I was hoping on making a better impression."

His shirt clung to his body, as his entire sculpted muscles peered through the light weight material. He grabbed his shirt and started fanning himself with it. Then, he took a handkerchief out of his breast pocket, and began to wipe the sweat off of his brow and behind his neck. As he did so, every girl in the classroom had a predatory look in their eye; like a hungry wolf eyeing a piece of raw meat.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Jacobson." Carla sighed, with a big goofy grin upon her face. "We're just glad you're here." Her eyes practically danced as she said it to him.

"Well thank you, Miss, uh—" he began to say, while he chuckled.

"Please, call me Carla." she replied.

"Carla, it's nice to meet you."  He said. With that he looked around the room. "But then again it's nice to meet all of you. I am hoping that my class will be a memorable learning experience for all of us."

As he continued to look around the room, his eyes made contact with Amanda's. Just as he had done before in the cafeteria, a smile soon crept upon his face. She could feel herself begin to blush, as she shyly returned his smile.

"Ah! Miss Addington we meet again." He said. Once again, he looked around the room. "Miss Addington and I bumped into each other earlier today."

He then looked back at her and gave her another smile, before walking over to his briefcase. As soon as he opened it, he pulled out a clipboard, and began talking to the class. "Now then I have a seating chart here.  If you could all do me a favor and print your names on the sheet, and then pass it around the classroom. I would very much appreciate it, as it will help me to learn your names."

As the clipboard was being passed around, Mr. Jacobson headed towards the chalkboard. Near the top of the board, in big letters he wrote the words, "The Egyptian gods", which he then started drawing brackets underneath for what looked like a diagram.

"Now then, who knows the name of the Egyptian equivalent to the Greek god Zeus?"

Amanda's Uncle Robert had always been fascinated with Egyptian artifacts, and the mythologies that surrounded them. It was a passion that he had shared with his family and loved to tell stories about the Egyptian deities. So, there was a lot that she already knew about them. As her hand shot up in the air, she soon realized that hers was the only one.

"Miss Addington." He said as he pointed to her.

"Ra." Amanda said as she eagerly answered his question.

A beautiful smile soon appeared upon his face. "Very good, Miss Addington. Do you know what he was the god of?"

"The sun." Amanda answered.

"Excellent!" Mr. Jacobson proclaimed. "Now then, Ra was a Falcon. But his queen Isis looked human, and she was the goddess of the sky.  I guess you could say that a sky goddess, and a sun god were a match made in heaven."

As he gave the class a goofy smile, everyone laughed at his lame joke—including Amanda. Mr. Jacobson then went to write their names on the diagram. Like everyone else in the class she took notes, even though this was stuff she already knew.

"Okay, so Ra and Isis had a few children." He told them. "One of them was a cat goddess. Does anyone know her name?"

Once again, Amanda was the only one that raised her hand. His eyes kept scanning the other students, but no one else seemed to know the answer.  "Anyone else besides Miss Addington?"

But since no one else raised their hands, he once again called on Amanda. "Bast, sometimes she was also known as Bastet."

"I'm impressed." Mr. Jacobson, said as his face lit up. "Most people don't know a lot about the Egyptian gods. Most people who study mythology stick to the Greek gods, or the Roman ones. But that's okay, because I am here to teach. After all it is my job. And there is so much that I can teach you that others can't. By the end of this school year, I hope that you will have enough knowledge to put college students to shame. Now, there's about twenty minutes left of class.  I think you should open your books to the first chapter and start reading. Tomorrow we shall have our first quiz."

The entire class began to groan, as everyone began to open their books. As Amanda began to read, she couldn't help but become engrossed in the material. It was interesting how many similarities there were amongst the different cultural mythologies. Just as Thor had to deal with his brother Loki being the god of mischief. Ra had to deal with a brother named Apep, who was the god of chaos. What was really interesting was that Apep was an evil snake, or serpent like dragon. Not only that, but he was also the antithesis of his brother Ra, for this Apep was the god of darkness.

Amanda then began to read the part about cat goddess. As she looked at the picture of the black cat that represented Bastet, she thought of Midnight. If he knew about how people once worshiped cats as gods, he might believe that he is one. As corny as that thought was, she couldn't help but smile. As she kept on reading, she saw some drawings that depicted Bastet's children. The most notable was of her son, Maashes.  He was apparently the Egyptian god of war, whose name meant "he who is true beside her". Maahes, like his mother, was a feline. But unlike her, he was a lion.

The more she looked at the pictures, the more mesmerizing they became. Soon she heard what sounded like whispers, as they began to echo within her head. But they weren't frightening her, instead they were drawing her in. "Amanda! I am coming for you!  Soon my love!"

Suddenly the bell rang! The loud noise had snapped her out of her trance like state. What was wrong with her?  Maybe she just needed to get a good night's sleep, hopefully the air conditioner would be fixed by the time she got home. As quickly as she could, she grabbed her books and headed towards the door.

"Oh Miss Addington!" she heard Mr. Jacobson exclaim, just as she was about to exit the classroom. What did he want?  Had he caught her zoning out in class just as Mrs. Crenshaw had?  Slowly she turned around to see what he wanted.

"Um..y-yes Mr. Jacobson?" she asked. "I-is something wrong?" Feeling both meek, and small, she had a difficult time getting out the words. Some of the other girls were even laughing.

"I was wondering if you had a moment?" he asked. "It concerns your knowledge of ancient Egypt, there is something important that we need to discuss."


Entombed in His DesireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora