Chapter 7

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)


Uncle Rob took a bite of some of his potatoes, and then wiped his mouth. "You know, Mark. Is it okay if I call you, Mark? I mean there is no need to be so formal since we are not on school grounds."

"Of course, Robert." Mark replied. "May I call you, Robert?

"Certainly." Uncle Rob said with a courteous smile. If you need assistance with your book, I could be quite helpful. My door is always open to my faculty. I'm sure there is a lot of information that I have that could be very useful to you."

"Well, I just assumed that you would be too busy." Mark told him. "Besides, I want to go into this learning what I find on my own. No offense, but I want to experience the learning process firsthand. Someone with your knowledge might corrupt my opinion on what I find. I want to discover things on my own. But once the book is finish, I would greatly admire your thoughts on it, or any suggestions that you might have.

"No offense, I completely understand." Uncle Rob replied. "And I would be happy to look over your work when you are finished."

"I would be honored." Mark said. At that moment, Amanda took a sip of her iced tea. With her mouth full of liquid, she felt Mark's hand rest upon her knee. Gasping as she began to swallow her drink, she began to cough and almost did a spit take all over the dinner table.

"Are you alright, Mandy?" her mother asked.

Amanda continued to cough as she couldn't believe what just happened. "I-I'm (cough) I think (cough) I think my drink went down my windpipe."

"I'm sorry, I think I accidentally startled you." Mark said, as he gave her a solemn, yet regretful look. "My napkin started to slip off of my lap, and I think my hand brushed up against your knee."

Amanda continued to cough. "I-it's okay, accidents happen."

"I am so sorry." Mark said. "Here I am having a lovely dinner with you and your family, and you probably thought I was hitting on you. Mr. and Mrs. Addington, I feel terrible. I would never do that to your daughter. Not only is she underage, but she is a student of mine, and we are in your house no less. Please forgive me, but I swear it was an accident."

"It's okay." Amanda replied as she could feel herself blush. "Accidents happen."

"Of course they do." Amanda's mother replied, as she smiled. "No one here thinks that you did it on purpose."

"Besides." Amanda's Father began to say. "I doubt that you would have acknowledged what had happened if it had been on purpose."

"Only a sick pervert would do that." Uncle Rob added, as he smiled. Though if Amanda didn't know any better, she might have thought that her uncle's smile came off as somewhat sarcastic. The rest of the dinner went on as if the incident never happened, as the conversation centered around their small New England town.

After dinner and dessert, Amanda helped her mother clear the table. As they carried the dishes into the kitchen, Amanda couldn't help but snicker. "I thought times had change. Why are we the ones cleaning up."

"Well." Her mother said. "I'm sure your father will be in to help soon. I just like to get started, because I like things to be done a certain way. I didn't say that you had to help me. If you want, you can hang out with your father, and the others."

"I think I'd rather help you." Amanda said.

"Mandy is there something you want to talk about?" her mom inquired, while she furrowed her brow.

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