Chapter 16

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)


Mark impatiently waited by the phone. His Amanda, his Mer Ek, had been in a coma for the past two weeks. Was it his fault?  True, the reason she got in the accident was because a drunk driver had hit her. But he knew that she had been distracted when she had left school that evening. However, he also knew that he was the one who had to let her leave in the first place. But if he had tried to keep her there, it could have ended up ruining his plans.

When he found out what had happened, he wanted to rush to her side. All he wanted to do was to hold her, to comfort her, and assure her that everything was going to be alright. Or at the very least, to hold her hand. If anything, he wanted to tell her how much he loved her. But even if she hadn't been in the accident, that was going to have to wait until the right moment.

But the family was not allowing anyone besides themselves to visit her. Normally such a thing would not be a problem for him. But her uncle, her uncle was the one who was making it so difficult for him. Robert had somehow found and placed Egyptian artifacts around Amanda's hospital room. When he first learned of Robert Addington's expertise in ancient Egyptian cultures, he knew that Amanda's uncle was going to be a problem.

But Mark hadn't realized the extent of how problematic Robert could actually be. Her uncle was the only one who could thwart his attempts at being reunited with his long-lost princess. The artifacts that her uncle possessed seemed to be constantly throwing a monkey wrench into everything. First killing the snake that was supposed to take her uncle's place. Second were the trinkets that were being used to keep him from Amanda. Mark wondered; just how did this man know how to deal with the king of---?

It was at that moment when the phone finally rang. Mark's heart skipped a beat as he raced towards it. He could sense that it was Amanda's parents calling him. She must have finally woken up. After taking a deep breath, he casually picked up the phone and answered it.


"Oh Mark!" the woman on the other end of the line gleefully cried. "This is Esther Addington, I just heard from the hospital. Amanda is finally awake!"

"That's wonderful!" Mark exclaimed. "I'm so relieved! Amanda is a very special person. I knew she would eventually wake up."

"Her father and I have been a wreck for days." She cried. "We first broke down in tears when the police called. Then we broke down into tears when we found out that Amanda was in a coma, but at least now we are crying tears of joy."

"Well I couldn't be happier for you, or for Amanda." He told her. "I just wish I had the chance to tell her in person."

"Oh, well James and I are heading down to the hospital right now!" She informed him.  "If you meet us there, you can come with us to say a quick hello."

"I don't want to intrude." He said. "Besides, I thought that only family members were allowed to visit her."

"Nonsense." She replied. "That was only because of her being in a coma. But Amanda is awake now, and I am sure that she would love to see you. Please, as her mother I am personally inviting you."

"Well, maybe I can just stop in for a quick hello." He added. "But I don't want to stay too long. I'm sure Amanda needs her rest."

"Wonderful." She said. "Can you meet us at the hospital entrance in one hour?"

"Will do." He answered. And with that he hung up the phone. Mark looked in the mirror and smiled as he began to laugh.

"And just like a vampire, all of the trinkets and artifacts in the world will no longer keep me away from my Mer Ek; now that I have been invited in."

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