Chapter 12

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(I don't own the images to these stories.)
Amanda looked at the clock on the wall. 8:05?  Class was supposed to start five minutes ago. Crenshaw was never late. This was odd. As Amanda looked around the room, she could see the confused looks upon everyone's faces. Where was Mrs. Crenshaw?

"Psst!" she heard a voice whisper from behind. As Amanda turned around, she saw that it was Margot who was trying to get her attention.

"Where the hell is Crenshaw?"  Margot whispered. "That old battle axe is never late."

"I don't know." Amanda replied as she returned Margot's whisper. "But I don't think she's that old, I think she's thirty-six."

"Really?" Margot wondered. "Well maybe she got lucky last night. Lord knows if anyone could use it, it would be her."

At that moment Jennifer, who must have overheard their conversation, chimed in. "Rumor has it that she hooked up with Mr. Jacobson last night."

Amanda's heart sunk. Was this how Mark was able to allow her to have detention with him, instead of Crenshaw. Had he slept with Karen Crenshaw?

"No way." Margot whispered. "I refuse to believe that hottie had sex with her."

"Then where is she?" Jennifer asked. At that moment the door to the classroom opened, and low and behold in walked Mrs. Crenshaw. Amanda couldn't believe her eyes; the woman was practically beaming from ear to ear.

"Good morning, ladies! I hope everyone is having a good morning!  Sorry that I am late, but I was quite busy last night. I know that I have been strict about tardiness in the past, but I realize now that sometimes life just happens. So, I have decided to add the one point that I had removed from all of your grades yesterday, as well as the five points that I had removed from Miss Addington's. I feel that I may have been too hard on all of you in the past, but that is about to change. From now on I want to be more than just your teacher; I want to be your friend."

Amanda couldn't believe her own ears. Was this a joke? Was Mrs. Crenshaw setting them up so that she could catch them off guard? Their affluent tiny New Hampshire town was small, and everyone knew everybody else pretty well. Karen Crenshaw was known around town for many things, but kindness was not one of them.

While Mrs. Crenshaw placed her briefcase on the desk, Amanda could distinctly hear her teacher humming to herself. She wasn't sure, but it sounded something like an ABBA tune. Although she couldn't remember the title of the song, it was definitely ABBA. As Mrs. Crenshaw continued to hum, Amanda soon heard Margot whispering in her ear.

"What the hell happened? If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that woman is possessed."

Amanda then leaned back and whispered out of the left side of her mouth. "I don't know either, maybe we were invaded by the body snatchers."

At that moment, Mrs. Crenshaw cleared her throat as she was looking right at them. "Miss Addington?  Would you like to share your conversation with the rest of the class?"

Well this new and improved Crenshaw didn't last long, did she?

Amanda felt as though she was breaking out in a cold sweat as the entire class was staring at her. She should have known that Crenshaw's new and improved attitude was just a façade to lure the entire class into a trap. Amanda swallowed her pride as she sheepishly answered the question.

"Well I-a, I was just saying how nice it was of you. You know, to think of us as more than just students. That you want to think of us as friends."

Amanda waited for Mrs. Crenshaw to let out a wicked laugh and taunt her, and the rest of the class, for being so gullible as to fall for such an obvious trap. However a smile crept upon her face instead.

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