Chapter 21

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Mark sat at his kitchen table, while he started gathering his lesson plans that he had prepared to take over to Amanda's. He placed the papers in his briefcase and looked over at Karen, or what used to be Karen. She just stood there with her arms folded, as she was shaking her head. The smug expression on her face only made him angry. He stared her down while seething in rage, as it took all of his strength to remain calm.  "Do you have a problem, my dear?"

Karen's eyes widened while her pupils were dilated. He could see and smell her fear as her body trembled, and her expression quickly went from one of cockiness to one of pure terror. Her words were shaky, as she stuttered her response. "For-forgive me, master. I did not mean any disrespect. I guess I thought it was odd that you were even bothering to have a lesson plan with you, when you do visit your future queen today. I know you have no plans to actually teach her."

"What I do with her is none of your concern." He snapped. "Keep in mind your place.  You may be one of my immortal followers, but I am still a god."

"I meant no offense." She said, as she bowed. "But at least you are not having to share someone else's body. Ever since I took possession of this vessel, she has been fighting me this whole time. I know all of her thoughts. She used to have it in for your future queen. But now she is trying to regain control in the hopes of saving her from you. She is under the mistaken impression that you are bad for your beloved. At one time the woman, who once had complete control of this vessel, despised your queen. But now she wants to protect her. It is quite fascinating, but her will is strong and somewhat difficult to control."

"Well if you can't handle this vessel, then perhaps I can find another soul from one of my many disciples." He growled. "One who is more dedicated to me. There are millions of them, just waiting to be released from the underworld as we speak. I'm sure anyone of them would love to be in your place."

"No master." She begged. "I promise that I can handle this mere human vessel. I will not let her get the best of me. Ask anything of me and I shall take care of it."

"I hope so." Mark replied. "You know what happens to those who fail or disappoint me. Now, since you are curious, I am putting together a lesson plan so that my motives don't come off as suspicious. I have to at least appear as though I am going to be tutoring her. Her parents and I get along well, so I should not have too many problems getting close to Amanda today. My only concern is the damn cat. I don't know how, yet. But it seems that, that violin string factory reject can somehow since that I am not quite human."

"Do you want me to take care of it?" Karen asked. "I could make sure that the troublesome feline would no longer be an annoyance to you, permanently."

"Tempting." Mark replied. "But if her beloved feline were to have an accident of some kind, I'm afraid that would be too upsetting for her.  She already has to deal with her uncle's absence. I don't want anything else upsetting her, for now. But when the time comes for me to reveal my true self to her, and she remember's who she truly is, I will then discard of those who would try to stop me—her uncle, and that damn cat."

"What is it that you need from me?" She asked. "I have already turned the entire town against Robert Addington.  What else could I do to serve you?"

"Her families annual costume ball is coming up." He answered. "I need you to get close to her mother. Make sure that the party goes on as planned, despite the recent turn of events involving her uncle and the accusations against him.  You must help her mother shape the theme for the party."

"What's so special about this costume party?" She asked.

"It is more than just a simple costume party." He replied. "It is the eve of her eighteenth birthday.  That is when she will become my queen, my bride, my Mer Ek. Ra and the others thwarted me long ago. And his son Maahes tried to take her from me. We even fought to the death for her. But in the end, we both lost her. But now that her reborn spirit is on the verge of womanhood, I shall reclaim the woman I love. And then, I shall claim the Earth itself.  I'm sure that my Mer Ek will appreciate me giving it to her as a wedding present."

"But if you have found her, what makes you so sure that Maahes hasn't?" She asked.

"Because I am the only Egyptian god that is still alive." He answered. "Believe me, I have searched high and low. They all died out years ago. They trapped me in the underworld, and in doing so, I did not share their same fate."

She just furrowed her brow, looking confused, as she continued to ask even more mundane questions. "What fate is that master?"

"The eye of Ra." He replied. "Their most powerful weapon eventually turned on them. They had essentially made it so powerful, that not even the mighty Egyptian gods could control it any longer. Essentially, they all disappeared. They were gone, but I was safe in my prison. Both Maahes and I were killed as we battled for her heart. And while he had returned to the other gods, I was cast down into the underworld.  That is until my Mer Ek had finally been reborn. Once her soul had returned to Earth, I now had a link to the mortal realm. You see love is very powerful. Because of my heart belonging to this mortal woman, my soul was able to return to her."

"And how exactly do you want me to influence the costume ball?" She questioned.

"I need you to convince her mother to do an Egyptian theme." He answered. "One that will feature the birthday girl dressed as an Egyptian queen. I want her properly dressed for the occasion. Then when I take her as my mortal bride, I will have the right to claim the world. And the rest of my disciples will be released upon the Earth. Mankind will easily be defeated. Then I will not only make her my goddess, but the queen of a new race of gods. Ones that will be created through her giving birth to our offspring. And what little of mankind remains, will be much more susceptible to their new deities."

His loyal servant then smiled and bowed to him. "Fear not master, for I shall do as you ask."

Mark then returned her smile, for everything was falling into place. "Soon my beloved will learn the truth, as well as the rest of the world. The new age of darkness is approaching, and this time there will be no other gods to stop me. Once I claim my beloved, I the serpent god will swallow the sun whole. My reign of chaos is at hand. For I, Apep have returned."


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