Chapter 2

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
His piercing enigmatic ice blue eyes, his face stubble, and even his slightly messy light brown hair—Amanda could not get over how truly good looking the new history teacher was. This Mr. Jacobson soon made her forget all about her panther dream.

As she continued to stare at him, he made direct eye contact with her and smiled. Feeling embarrassed because he caught her looking at him, she quickly turned her head away. Did he notice that she had been staring at him?

"Oh my god." Margot practically moaned. "He's hot."

"I wouldn't mind spending a few hours in detention with him." Carla added.

"Or maybe a good spanking." Jennifer giggled. Amanda, who had just taken a drink of her Diet Coke, almost did a spit take, as soon as the words came out of Jennifer's mouth. Margot, who had just taken a drink of water, began to cough. "What?"

"Jennifer!" Amanda gasped.

"Oh, lighten up, it was a joke." Jennifer laughed while rolling her eyes at them.

"You need to take a cold shower girl." Carla told her.

"Oh, come on." Jennifer said with a smirk as she folded her arms. "We all thought it, I was just the one who said it."

At that moment the five of them all stared at one another. There was dead silence, then they all began to laugh.

"I think we could all use a cold shower right now." Amanda chuckled.

"Excuse me ladies, am I interrupting?" A man's voice said as it came out of nowhere. Not expecting it, Amanda practically jumped out of her seat.  She turned around to see her uncle looking down at her.

His eyes were as wide as saucers, as he looked surprise by her reaction. "I'm sorry Amanda I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Um, that's okay." Amanda told him. "I guess I tend to jump when someone starts talking to me, and I don't expect it."

"No, it was my fault." Her uncle replied. "You would think after all of these years I would know better by now." 

He then smiled and looked around at everyone sitting with her at the table. "Are you all having a good first day?"

"Yes Mr. Addington." Corinne said with a big goofy grin. Amanda just rolled her eyes, as the four of them just stared at him with complete devotion. She kept waiting for them to let out a unanimous sigh of adoration.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it." Her uncle replied. However, he soon turned his attention to Amanda. "If you will excuse me, I need to speak with Amanda for a moment."

"Um...okay uncle...I-I mean Mr. Addington." Amanda replied. She felt sheepish as she walked towards the headmaster's office with her uncle. Was something wrong, what could he possibly want?

"Sit down Amanda." Her uncle said as he pointed to the chairs facing his desk. He had little to no facial expression. She felt nervous has she sat from him across from the desk.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked. "It's only my first day."

"I just wanted to tell you to be careful how you act while you are in class." He replied. "Mrs. Crenshaw came to me a little while ago to report that you had fallen asleep in her class."

"What?" Amanda exclaimed. Oh! That bitch!  No wonder her husband left her! "I did no such thing, and she knows it."

"Well then tell me what happened." He said, as he clasped his hands together, while resting his forearms on the desk.

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