Chapter 6

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(I don't own the images to these stories.)
"Honestly, I have no idea what has gotten into that cat." Her mom said. "I am so sorry Mr. Jacobson."

She was shaking her head and looked towards her daughter. "Amanda, could you please put Midnight in the basement?"

"Um, of course." Amanda replied. "Come on you silly cat. What is wrong with you this evening?"

As she picked up Midnight, he let out a displeased sound. It was kind of a cross between a cat's mewing, and a growl. Amanda just sighed and rolled her eyes as she carried her beloved feline towards the basement. While she was holding him, she noticed that he kept looking back at Mark—practically glaring at him. To say that she was confused would have been an understatement. As they made there way down the basement stares, she shut the door with the back of her foot. Midnight then closed his eyes and began to purr.

"Now you stay down here for a while." She told him, as she put him down. She kind of felt sad when he looked at her, and let out the most pitiful sounding, "meow". He had the same sad look in his eyes, that he usually had, whenever her family would drop him off at her uncle's house before going on vacation.

"Don't give me that sad look." She said. "For some reason you are being a bad kitty tonight. After Mark leaves, I will come get you."

Amanda began to laugh, as she always used to make fun of people who talked to their pets as if they were human beings. She was scolding her cat as if it were a small child. But there was something special about Midnight. Whenever she did talk to him, it was almost as if he could understand her.

Amanda just sighed and walked away. But as she made her way up the stairs, Midnight had bolted towards the door. He began meowing, and just stood there as if he was trying to block her.

"Midnight!" she exclaimed. "I need you to move. What is wrong with you? Are you okay, maybe you need to see a vet?"

The cat just stood his ground, not even the mention of the "V" word seemed to deter him from trying to keep her downstairs with him. She had no idea what was going on in the mind of her determined cat. She was about to pick him up, and carry him back downstairs, when there was a knock at the door.

"Amanda, it's me Robert, is everything okay down there?"

"Yes." She replied through the door. "Midnight is acting funny; he won't let me leave the basement. I'm worried that he might be sick."

"I'm sure he's fine." Uncle Rob answered. "He may not be used to having three men in the house, it probably just freaked him out. But I am sure that he will soon realize that everything is fine."

To Amanda's surprise, as soon as those words came out of her uncle's mouth, Midnight started to head down the basement stairs. She opened the door and saw her uncle just standing there. He just looked at her and smiled. "Come on, we're all getting hungry, and we don't want dinner to get cold."

As they made their way to the dining room, her parents and Mr. Jacobson were already seated at the table. Her mother just looked at her and smiled. "Is everything alright with Midnight?"

"Well—" Amanda began to say. But before she could tell anything, her uncle soon interrupted. "Everything is fine. I think he was just overwhelmed by the unusual abundance of testosterone this evening."

As they both sat down, her uncle smiled at her and gave her a quick wink. Why did he feel the need to interrupt her like that? Amanda then decided it wasn't something worth fretting over. Besides, she was hungry, and dinner smelled delicious.

"Well I'm glad everything is okay." Her mom said. "That cat is almost like a member of the family."

"How did it come to be part of your family?" Mark asked.

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