She remembered asking Rick to take her to a bar which he obliged. They hopped into his car and drove somewhere she didn't pay much attention to. She recalled drinking some vodka while Rick was keeping her company. She remembered that it was like a VIP bar, there were only a few people around who seemed oblivious to the popular Rick Reed.

"I'm good now, I guess, thank you for keeping me company last night Rick, and I'm sorry to load it off on you" she genuinely said.

He nodded, but his eyes were not showing much emotion. Jess was wondering if he was mad or upset with her.

He cleared his throat. "Although that's not what I was hoping to get as a thank you" he stated. It was too late for Jess to react when Rick captured her lips igniting an ever-bright flame in the depths of her core. It was a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough for Jess to get a shot of adrenaline as she readily removed herself from the bed and cast a dreadful glare at Rick.

"What was that for?" she asked unable to steady her voice.

Rick pushed himself up and rested his back on the headboard. His eyes darkened.

"Can you move back here and let's talk?" he asked gently. Jess can't trust herself to be rational when this enigmatic man is using all his bewitching to capture her right into his hands. "Please?" He added.

She sighed and followed his request. She went back to bed but placed a significant distance between them.

He laughed. "Are you afraid of me Jess?" His voice sounded raw.

She raised a brow. "Don't play with me Rick" she responded sounding more confident than what she originally felt. 

He raised both his hands gesturing surrender, but humor stayed in his eyes. "I want us to talk about what happened the night we first kissed..." he started the conversation.

Jess's eyes widened and a painful cough broke.

"What, what about it?" She replied.

She surprised her when Rick instantly changed position and came face to face with her.

"I'm sorry about that night, that wasn't what I had hoped for. You were drunk and I should not have taken advantage of the situation."

Wait what? Apologizing for the kiss was not what Jess expected. It wasn't true that he took advantage of the situation. She was the one who pushed for it to happen.

"There might be a bit of misunderstanding here" she responded. "You didn't take advantage of me; I was the one who dared you to do it" she defended.

He suddenly brushes her cheek and traces the softness of her skin; Jess draws some air as her eyes are fixated on Rick.

"I want to kiss you again..." he whispered, sending hot flashes to her face.

"You already did, earlier" she responded softly as she tried to be funny.

Her humor didn't affect him, his gaze continued to linger, never leaving hers. "I want another kiss from you and another one after that... you make me long for you Jess."

He lowered his gaze and cupped the sides of her nape, slowly caressing it, when his hot lips touched her exposed neck, it started a fire within her that no one else could ever ignite before.

She gasped when that little ticklish sensation made her toes curl, she shut her eyes, and she felt drunk once again. His scent fills her nostrils numbing her thoughts and only allows her to focus on the sensation he's giving her.

"Rick..." she panted. She realized her voice sounded from within, her inner desires.

He moves to the sides of Jess's face, leaving traces of his exploration. Rick's lips alight on her cheek like a dew-freckled petal caught in a breeze, so soft and with the smallest hint of coolness.

Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now