Chapter 2 - Escaping the cave

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It seems like only a few weeks have passed since I became the deity of the Goblins. They now personally deliver various types of meals to me, including fruits, dairy products, and protein. which was an excellent source of food, but it isn't a reliable source of food because the cave will almost certainly have limited supplies. It was already a mystery how some locations managed to include fruits, grains, water, and trees. It almost appeared to be the ideal location for training.

I developed a plan to try to get out of here. After I reach the second layer of the aether core, this is something that would ordinarily take years for someone to acquire. I'm confident that if I can dedicate myself to training for a few months, I'll be able to overcome this obstacle. To accelerate my growth, I decided to attempt brewing an elixir. The required herbs were ginger, loose gravel, and water, which I gathered over the next few days. The ginger was in the lake, which I discovered two months ago. The flint was towards the lake's bottom; thus it was mineral-rich.

I started by gathering wood from the goblin camp. I sculpted a pot out of a chunk of stone. I began by placing some gravel stones in the pot, followed by the ginger. I summoned aether to start a fire. I placed the pot on the stove and filled it with water. Combine the two. It was a long and exhausting effort to obtain all of these ingredients, but it was also strange. This location seemed ideal for training, but it was never discovered. I put my questions aside and concentrated on preparing many elixirs.

I must have made over a hundred elixirs over the course of the week; now all that was left was to test them. At one point, I drank two elixirs. Surprisingly, it worked. Multiple layers of layer one were skipped. I was ecstatic to see such amazing growth. I had progressed to the third stage of layer one. That would have taken me several months. I was getting closer to my objective. What I really need to be concerned about is how I'm going to get out of this cave.

(A/N) 1 month is skipped in time.

I've finally discovered a way out of this cave. I found a way out, but I don't know how to unlock it. The only way to get rid of it was to blow it up. Which I couldn't accomplish because I'm at layer stage 1, which means I'll have to break through and expand another layer to get out of here. I was about to break through layer 1, which was extremely risky because a single mistake would result in my death.

I sat down and drank all of the remaining elixirs before getting started. To fill my core, I absorbed aether. I'd let out enough to overfill my body with purple aether particles. My wrists were filled with aether, my upper body was filled with aether, my lower body was filled with aether, and most importantly, my core was filled with aether to the highest level it had ever been.

It gave me a feeling of fulfilment. My body was content with the amount of aether available to it. I had attempted to expel the impure aether from my body while absorbing clean aether. It was excruciatingly painful. It was exhausting to have your core emptied and then refilled. In my core, I had only left the purest of aether. I've noticed an increase in my capacity. I have stronger control over aether and can absorb it more quickly. My body had become refined. I passed out from tiredness because I was so overjoyed at my accomplishment.

It had been a long time since I'd had a good night's sleep. I prepared myself. I was standing at the gate's entrance. Finally, I could get out of this cave and find out what happened as a result, I reasoned as I drew my sword, hung my left leg forward and right leg backwards, and struck the wall with a series of strikes. But it wasn't enough.

I tried once more, this time directing aether into my arms, wrists, and sword. I started moving again, soaring into the air. I unleashed a barrage of assaults capable of killing any ordinary individual. The gate made a huge noise, but it was nowhere to be found. All of a sudden, after destroying the gate, I believe I've gained some insight into the concept of spatium.

My head is now bursting at the seams with information. It appears that I have unlocked a skill that creates storage space. I've placed some of the gate stones, which appear to be strong materials and might be utilised to construct a weapon using my new profound power. Leaving the cave for the first time My eyes hurt as they adjusted to the new light.

Chirps, ribbits, screaming, and shattering were among the sounds I heard. The breeze was pleasant and relaxing. Waterfalls of brilliant blue, crashing and screaming like lions. Giant-sized trees with dark brown bark and vivid green leaves. The smell of nature filled the room, making me feel as if I were in paradise.

I took my first step outdoors after a quick scan of the area. It had been a long time since I had touched the bright-green grass on the ground. The first thing I needed to know was where I was. My intuition, perception, smell, and hearing were all improved as a result of breaking through the first layer. I can now sleep less and get twice as much rest, and I don't require as much food as I used to, which is a huge help in this unknown wilderness.

I walked for hours, and it was evident that this was a monster's playground. It's a case of survival of the fittest; only the strong survive, while the weak are prey for the stronger to toy with. As I sat down and established a camp, The region was surrounded by weeds, tall grass, flowers, and trees that served as shields. I was really warm, which was good considering the cave had no light and was filled with frigid wind.

I took a couple of hours to rest. My stomach began to make noises, signalling that I was hungry. I have some food in my dimension store, but I'd like to try something new. Meat. That delicious, succulent, bright brown meat had piqued my interest. I jumped on a tree to survey the area for monsters because I couldn't wait any longer. I came across a bear with a distinct personality. It has a silvery coat. It was fairly substantial. It had the sharp teeth of a predator on its teeth. It was encased in fur. "I wonder what it tastes like," I whispered.

I charged at the sliver fur-bear with my sword in my right hand. The bear could tell I was there because of the impact of my jump. It roared as if it were a royal lion. I dispersed aether all over my body, resulting in a purple aura surrounding it. The amount of aether I instilled in my blade transformed its colour from a bright sliver to a vibrant purple. I fired forth a violet aether wave. With a mere roar, the bear seemed to have a remarkable capacity to reroute aether in the other direction. I couldn't help but smile. I'd finally found an opponent with whom I could humiliate and demonstrate my strength to the monsters.

They should be afraid of me and my family, or they will face the wrath of a djinn. The Asuras made a mistake by attempting to extinguish my kin. I'll show them who they've been messing with. As I regained consciousness, The beast appeared to be severely injured and lifeless. It appeared that I had the ability to kill with a passion for blood. The beast was killed by the aether without my instruction. Aethric ferocity is the name I came up with for this skill.

I landed on the ground after that. To store the beast, I imbued aether into my dimension storage rune. After a long journey, I arrived at my camp. As the sun began to set and the moon began to rise, it was already sunset. I lit a fire and summoned the beast from the depths of my dimension store. I took a chicken-sized piece of flesh and chopped it in half. I set it in front of the fire and waited for it to cook. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. As I became more at ease, questions began to arise in my mind. "Will I be able to avenge myself?" Is my entire race extinct?

As I grew more at ease, I became concerned, but I convinced myself that I would seek vengeance for my kin, for Kedron. After cooking, the meat appeared to be wonderful. It was a bright brown colour, with a ring of juice around it. I couldn't help but look around. As soon as I felt the meat popping, I took a bite. The meat's wonderful aroma entered my mouth and flowed down my throat. It was a lot of fun. The texture of the outside layer of the meat was crispy, while the inside was soft as cake. The outside layer was brown, while the inside layer was bright white. Its flesh must be quite valuable. "No one can suppress themselves from eating meat." I said it unclearly.

I was cleaning up the mess I had created while eating when I became aware of a presence watching me. "Who is there?" I inquired. I didn't get a response, but I did hear a scream of surprise. I took swift action by releasing an aether force field. I was startled by the sound of something dropping. Then there's what appears to be a human. From the depths of the darkness, it emerges. "Don't kill me, I just need your help, "said the unknown figure. 

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