Chapter One

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I began to look about since something seemed odd. It was difficult to see at an area where there was almost no source of light. I was devastated. I wished to retaliate against the Asuras for their actions. It was frigid because there was no source of breeze in the area.

I searched for hours and came up with nothing. My need for vengeance was the only thing that kept me going. Suddenly, a strange sound came from further down the tunnel. As I tried to go closer to the sound, a small amount of light began to form. Green-skinned, with short hair and crimson eyes. It was a horde of goblins. I was terrified. I summoned all of my courage and attacked. I used aether to imbue my hands and launched a surprise assault on a goblin, knocking him out.

It was a large group of goblins, ranging in size from 40 to 50. Even yet, goblins were known to travel in small groups rather than in huge ones. I threw my suspicions out the window by implying aether all over my body as a form of protection. First, a gang of five goblins attacked me, wielding a variety of weapons. A spear, swords, and daggers are among the weapons. The spear goblin was the first to attack me. Evading the strike, I delivered a powerful right hook to his face, knocking him out. It was knocked unconscious with a barrage of punches. Two goblins with a dagger and a sword approach from opposite directions, picking up the spear. I sprang at the goblin with the sword. It quickly deflected my strike, slashing my cheek. It was quite a shallow wound, but I did not fall behind. I pressured him by attacking his sword with my aim to make him unarmed.

I drew aether into the point of my spear and hurled it towards his blade. The spear slashed him in the centre of the head, scattering the sword into small fragments. The dagger-goblin stabbed my back when he sensed an opening. I crouched beneath his dagger, spun around, and slashed his chest with my spear. Blood splattered on my garments as I drew out my spear.

When I turned back to face the other goblins, they were terrified and immobilised for some reason. There was a foreboding atmosphere in the region. The goblins shook their heads and frowned. They abruptly threw down their guns and bolted. From behind, an extremely loud boom erupted. It sounded like footsteps, but what monster could have made such a sound? I was sad, terrified, and wretched. After all, I barely managed to keep the goblins at bay.

I turned back and went in search of a rock. I dashed to the nearest one I could locate. It was enormous, with naked teeth protruding from its mouth. It was blue-skinned, hairless, and covered its private parts with a layer of fabric. While scouting the area, it moved slowly. My face was flushed from holding my air. I was terrified, and my instincts told me to go, but I knew I would have produced the most inaudible sound possible. That colossus would have heard it. I was no match for him, and my swordsmanship, which I learnt while hunting with Kedron, was the only thing that kept me alive till now. I was in the first stage of the first layer in aether core. I was supposed to be extraordinary since I could manipulate aether from the environment. But it depleted me and hurt my core; up until now, I'd relied on aether stored in my core, which was nearly depleted. To have a chance to combat that monster, I needed to at least rest and regain aether.

The Giant left the area after a few moments. I scouted the area and discovered that the monster had left very large tracks. The goblins' equipment was thrown all over the place. I glanced through the weapons available and decided on a sword and a dagger. Iron body armour, leather shoulder armour, and steel leg armour were my choices. For such sturdy materials, it was rather light. To be able to create such magnificent armour, the blacksmith must have been a geniusI found some food at the goblin camp. I've become a little more cheerful. To warm my chilled body, I built a campfire. My throat was scratchy and prickly, and I was dehydrated. To try to clear my throat, I had no choice but to swallow my saliva.

After a while, I got up and went in search of a water source. After hours of wandering, I came to a lake. The lake was a brilliant blue colour. It's almost too big to hold 100 men. I finally sipped the water that I had collected in my hands. It had been quite a ride. My throat has smoothed out considerably. It was an incredible sensation. I filled three cups with water that I discovered in the camp after drinking my fair share of water.

Dark brown hair, bright golden eyes, and a tanned skinned face reflected in the water. "If I do think so myself, I'm pretty incredible," I bitterly laughed. I took off all of my garments and equipment. I jumped into the pool, which was pretty warm. The pangs I felt a split second ago faded gradually. "I wouldn't have doubted it if it was holy water," I reasoned.

If the Asuras discover I'm still alive in my state, I'll have to change my name. I'd be done with it. I couldn't stand a chance against the Asuras. I'd need at least a few decades to build up enough strength to wipe out the race. At the very least, I need to open up a few more layers of aether to my core. To be able to compete with a high-level Asura.

I began to lose track of time. In the water, I fell asleep. I awoke feeling revitalised and energised. Sitting on a rock, I wore my garments and armour. I was sitting in a meditation pose I had learnt in class. I begin to sense aether encircling my core. I absorbed aether from my surroundings. It was a long and exhausting procedure. I attempted to enlarge my core by absorbing as much aether as possible.

After hours of work, I've finally broken through layer one's 9th stage and extended my core. I was overjoyed. I have more aether control now. I was also able to store aether more easily, and my body felt more powerful. All of this was attributable to Anbau's technique. This is something I've studied in class. It strengthens the core and the entire body. Our ancestor Lyreka discovered it 90 years ago. To all djinns, he was a hero for protecting our lands against the Asuras in battle.

Within this cave, a few weeks passed. I've gained a lot of strength and am now at layer 6 of layer one, which is a significant increase from when I initially started. My development is pretty rapid, considering that breaking through the first three steps of layer one generally takes several months. I set up a camp surrounding the lake and fashioned a bed of wheat, which was extremely unpleasant by djinn standards. I'm certain I could defeat practically any monster in this cave, including the gigantic. I began my search for the giant's traces by following the massive footprints it left behind.

The footprints became deeper as I followed them, indicating that I was on the right track, which made me ecstatic. The plan I had in mind was to distract the giant by luring goblins onto him, then chop off his head with a simple slash. Using their greedy mentality as an advantage was the only way to get them to follow me. Almost every camp I've seen has gold in its storage.

When I finally found the giant, I was nearing the end of my steps. Thankfully, there was a camp near the giant's site. I had created a route of coins all the way to the giant's territory. All I had to do was hide behind a boulder for a few hours until they arrived. The goblins were finally lured into the trap after what seemed like an eternity. I'd stumbled onto a gold mine. The coins were pursued by a large number of goblins, perhaps 100 to 200. When the giant learned about them, he attacked the goblins with his wooden club. The demons flew everywhere like leaves, and it was a disaster. The yells were obnoxious, but I didn't have time to consider them. It had been my opportunity.

I ran quickly and leapt really high, which would have impressed the previous me. I'm in a potion to keep my attack in check. I took a quick peek to determine where his weak spot was. As I leashed a succession of slashes, I detached aether aether to conceal my blade. Its head had been ripped apart. Its upper and lower bodies were both missing. I despatched aether to my legs before contacting the ground. The impact of my body on the dirt created quite a hole as I plummeted. The goblins appeared astonished and began kneeling down. I believe they began to regard me as their god. 

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