What is your relationship like? (PREF/SCEN)

Start from the beginning

Gumball Cookie(PLATONIC):

he asks you for your opinion on EVERY ART PIECE HE MAKES. when I say every one, i mean every. single. one. he could draw a tiny smiley face on paper and he'd need to ask you ASAP about the proportions of the smile. or if the eyes are too far apart.

Onion Cookie(PLATONIC):

VERY PURE. she often enjoys getting babysat (babysit? babysitted?) by you. the two of you have dress up parties and you play dolls together. 

Sometimes when your not there, she'll ask Blackberry if you can come over.

Pancake Cookie(PLATONIC):

pure, but sometimes you have to remind him he cant fly. and by sometimes, I mean like every day. 

Avocado Cookie:

massive bbq dad energy. she tells you dad jokes every single day. they are better than most, so you cant help but laugh at some of them.

"How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it!"

"Why did the orange lose the race? It ran out of juice!"

you then tried to tell her one.

"After the divorce my dad ended up just like how he has dessert: no custardy! AHAHAHaha..ha.." you then noticed she wasn't laughing.

"ha..i have another one! Uhm.. So once a kid asked his dad "Dad, are we pyromaniacs?" and the Dad replied with "Yes, we arson." Bahahah!.. why arent you laughing..?"

Carrot Cookie:

shes like your motivational speaker, but instead, unlike gingerbrave, shes more forceful with it. if your laying on the couch, she will literally drag you off of it and force you to plant things in the garden. 

 (sounds like my mom)

Clover Cookie:
since hes always thinking of you, he often writes songs about you. at some point, he even released an entire EP with love songs about you. there were about 20 songs on the album. 

Custard Cookie III(PLATONIC):

he doesn't prioritize you at all. still treats you like a servant.

Devil Cookie(PLATONIC):

you two little shits cause chaos EVERYWHERE. there is no place where people are safe. 


Affogato Cookie:

pure but not at the same time somehow. actually no, the most passive-aggressive evil relationship in the world. not only are you two playing pranks on one another all the time, you also talk playful shit behind one another's back. its nothing bad, and you know you still love each other. its just your nature. sometimes he does do your hair and try on outfits with you. 

Almond Cookie:

I'm too nervous to type his out. these dilf simpers scare the shit out of me.

Black Raisin Cookie:

an emo and a not emo. unless you are emo. then its two emos. 

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