"It seems like we're always looking up whenever we're together." You spoke and stared at the top of the tent.

"Well that's not such a bad thing is it?" Courtney replied, you could see her looking up as well out the corner of your eye.

"Suppose not." You spoke with a smile on your face.

Everyone on your team was now in the tent all huddled together. You had closed your eyes but couldn't sleep properly with everyone so close to you. It made you feel warm at least. As you laid there you heard bridgette saying she had to pee but was scared to leave, D.j said he felt like that too. You opened your eyes watching her leave the tent and then a second later there was a shadow outside your tent of what looked like bridgette, she seemed to be having some difficulties. As you laid in your tent it suddenly bursts into flames and luckily the flames went out very quickly after, leaving your team with no shelter. Bridgette sat by the fire and about your whole team looked at her with annoyance and or anger. Your team moved out of the burnt area and onto a clear space on the ground. Some of the others fell asleep on the ground but you had a harder time doing so. It was cold outside and your were even colder, duncan sat next to you.

"Can't handle some cold?" Duncan noticed you slightly shivering.

"Oh please this is nothing." You replied and acted as normal.

Duncan placed his hand on yours.

"Well your body temperature seems to be telling a different story." He kept his hand on yours, it was warm and felt nice.

After a while you had fallen asleep along with the rest of anyone who was still awake. The cold didn't wake you up, you slept surprisingly fine.


In your sleep you heard the voices of courtney and duncan, they seemed to be having a discussion or an argument about something. While trying to stay asleep someone pulled your arm, it was courtney and she made you stand beside her.

"What's going on?" You looked at courtney in confusion.

"Morning, sunshine number two." Duncan had a sketchy smile on his face, as always. You looked at him in confusion.

"I was saving you from duncan, he was cuddling both of us while we slept." Courtney crossed her arms and looked away from duncan.

You assumed that was why you were warm last night in your sleep, you also wondered what Duncan's angle was.

"I wasn't cuddling anyone, you two were cuddling me while I tried to catch some Z's." Duncan stood up off the ground while he spoke.

"Whatever." Courtney replied in a snarky tone.

"Well I was warm so uh, thanks for that." You awkwardly joined in the conversation.

"No problem, Sweetheart." He winked at you and smiled. In return you rolled your eyes.

"Come on y/n." Courtney grabbed your hand as your team started heading back to the elimination area.

You and courtney were now holding hands, you didn't mind much at all. Her hands were a bit cold but they warmed up in no time as you held them. Eventually your team made it to the elimination area and the other team quickly caught up. Just when your team thought they won, Chris realised your team was still missing a couple people. Just then katie and sadie ran to camp and started saying how much they love each other or something. Courtney let go of your hand and walked over to them saying how they cost us the challenge.

Now at elimination time you could already assume who was getting sent home, either katie or sadie. Chris quickly handed out the marshmallows to everyone and then it got to the last one. Katie had been voted off and saide sobbed all the while as her bestie drove home on the boat.

[ "to be honest I wasn't sure which one to vote, saide and katie are like carbon copies of each other. I just did some eenie meanie miny moe and landed on katie." ]

You stood outside your cabin and watched as duncan apologized to courtney for scaring her and then proceed to do so again. Courtney then screamed in fear and walked away after telling duncan she hated him. You sat down next to duncan and looked up at the stars, he stared at you for a moment. Duncan moved closer to you and rested his head on you shoulder, you were a bit surprised by this but thought it was sweet. You ran your fingers through his hair as he rested on you, when you looked at him he had closed his eyes. He seemed to be opening up to you slowly.

"You awake?" You put your hand on his shoulder. He groaned and hugged you close keeping his eyes closed

You took that as a signal that he was but you could tell he didn't wanna move so you kept sitting there. The light from the cabin window was the only thing lighting the outside world in front of you. You eventually wanted to head inside so you woke duncan who tiredly followed you inside, surprisingly quiet as he did so. You sat on you bed and duncan did as well.

"Why don't you go to your own bed?" You laid down on your pillow and got under the covers while duncan sat beside you.

"Well I like yours better." He laid beside you on top of the blanket.

You were too tired to respond and closed your eyes, you felt him put his arm around you as you fell asleep.

A/N: Couple of homies.😉 I think my fan is breaking. Anyway you and duncan need to get a room- courtney is being quite friendly with you hmmm? 🧐 guys there is a spider loose in my house:((

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