"Like what?" Barry asked and Kara looked at him, a smile on her.

"Like date night?" Kara said and Barry began smiling at her as well, "We haven't had an quality time, just you and me, since our honeymoon."

"Which was severely cut short," Barry added and Kara nodded with a smile.

"I know we're Supergirl and The Flash, but we-"

"We're also Barry and Kara," Barry cut in, and Kara smiled at him more, "You're right. I will make a reservation tonight, someplace very romantic."

"Ooh, sounds perfect," Kara said before she leaned her head against his shoulder while he held her close.

"How is it we live together, work together, sleep in the same bed together, but it stills feels like we don't spend any real time as husband and wife?" Barry asked.

"Allen, Danvers-Allen, cortex, now!"

Kara lifted her head up from his shoulder and awkwardly smiled at him. "I have no idea," she sarcastically said and he chuckled before placing a kiss on her.


When Barry and Kara walked into the cortex together, they found Harry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris and Mon-El standing there behind the computers. "What's this?" Barry asked and they all looked back at the two.

"This is a signature field, mapping every time DeVoe's gone in and out of his lair in the pocket dimension," Harry explained as the couple looked down at the screen, seeing multiple different occurrences.

"All of these?" Kara questioned.

"All of them," Harry said.

"So, how did you do this?" Barry asked.

"I didn't do it, actually. Ramon did," Harry said.

"We just watched," Iris said, gesturing to herself and Mon.

"All I did was just come up with a really complex and eloquent algorithm to track the warping signatures," Cisco said and Harry looked at him.

"Don't do that, all right? Don't do that. Don't be modest. All right? It's unbecoming," Harry said.

"You're unbecoming," Cisco said.

"You wish I was unbecoming, alright?" Harry said.

"Do you know that these are DeVoe?" Barry asked and Harry looked back at him.

"These are DeVoe, alright?" Harry said before he pointed down at the screen, "This is when Marlize grabbed him from Izzy at Lawrence Hills," he pointed at another, "This is when he showed up at Iron Heights prison."

Caitlin cut in and pointed at another one, "This is DeVoe's house."

And then Kara cut in as well, pointing at one she noticed. "And this is the alleyway in the city center, where he abducted you."

"How long has this been going on?" Barry asked.

"Oh, wait for it," Mon said.

"Three years," Cisco answered.

"Three years?" Barry questioned.

"DeVoe orchestrated everything to get the people he wanted on the bus. He's been planning this a long time," Caitlin said.

"We got a planner, just like Thawne," Cisco said.

"Just like Thawne," Harry repeated.

"So, how do we use this?" Kara asked.

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