15#Is Namjoon anxious?

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Two weeks after you all end the MV and on the third week you all start making the photo shoot.

The members started falling more and more for you.

Hoseok - She's so pretty.

Namjoon - I've never meet a girl like her before.

Taehyung - She's incredible.

Jimin - She's a rare girl.

Yoongi - She's kind.

Seokjin - She's a good girl.

Jungkook - (I won't give up on her...)

A few days later, the album got realized and you all were going to do a show in Soul.

(y/n) - It's the first time that I am being a star.

You talk with them while you were sat on the chair being maked up.

(y/n) - I'm so happy. I hope Chunhua feel how it is like.

Namjoon - Oh, that's right, I almost forgot, Chunhua's dream is to become a rap star, right?

(y/n) - Yes,that's right.

Jimin - Wo! That was my dream. I aways wanted to become a singer.

Taehyung - I'm happy that Chunhua is here today to see us.

(y/n) - Right!?

Manager - You're ready everyone? The show starts in 15 minutes.

He arrivers on the door but quickly went back to the corridor.

Namjoon - Ah! I'm nervous!

He shout while sat in a seat.

Jimin - The question is ''when you aren't nervous before a show'', hyung.

(y/n) - He always be nervous?

Jimin - Yeah mostly.

(y/n) - Oh.

(y/n) - And what does he do to don't be?

Jimin - Nothing, he just be like this.

(y/n) - Really?!

Jimin - Yes, but there are times that he talks to me to calm down a bit.

(y/n) - Namjoon! Anxiety is not good!

Namjoon - I know, but I can't help it.

(y/n) - ...I will get you some water.

Namjoon - No.

He gabs your wrist, stopping you.

Namjoon - ...I...just hug me.

(y/n) - ?!

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