14#Releasing the new album

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Some weeks later you all had already made all the voice recordings and got the coreograph. There was still three weeks left to record the MV, and then you decided to cut your hair short to make it. You went to the hairdressers at the morning, and at the noon you came back to yours apartment.

You open the door and see Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook in the livingroom playing video games, and when they realizes the door openned, Jimin look at it.

Jimin - (y/n)!

Jimin - ..?

Jimin - You cutted your hair?

Taehyung and Junkook quickly looks at you, Tae with his mouth openned and Jungkook with wid openned eyes, while sucks a lolipop.

(y/n) - Yes, I wanted to change a bit the style of my hair on this new album's MV.

Taehyung - Wooo~...

(y/n) - So, what do you guys think? Am I looking a Kpop star?

You smile and keep stroking your own hair.

Jungkook - You're beautiful...

He says it glaring at you without hesitation.

Jimin - A Kpop star? You are more like a princess.

You smiled feeling a bit shy and replied.

(y/n) - You're overreacting...

Jimin - Lolololol I'm not, or shoud I say...how can I be overreacting about you, my lady?

He smiles fuffly. With his cheecks red, he breaks the gase in embarrasement.

Taehyung - With long or short hair, you're beautiful anyway.

(y/n) - Not as you guys.

Suddenly Jin screams from the kichen.

Seokjin - Who was is!?!?

Jimin bursts in laugh.

Jimin - Lolololol!

Jimin - Let's run.

Jungkook - Lolololol.

Taehyung - Lolololololol!

Taehyung - Yeah before it's too later.

They started running out of the apartment, trought the corridors.

(y/n) - What is it all about?

Seokjin - Who ate my chips?!

Seokjin - It is ridiculous! I can't turn my back for a moment!?

He speaks nervously in a funny way.

(y/n) - Chips? Potato chips?

(y/n) - (THEY ATE IT.)

Seokjin - Com'mon! Show up right now!

He comes to the livingroom.

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