"What's up?" I say looking at her with a smile, and she smiles. 

"We know you have a boyfriend." 

"Oh that's nonsense." I say trying to brush it off and she raises her eyebrows, along with her friends Emily, and Mia. 

"You can't lie to us Miss, and whoever he is we will find out." 

"But we have a pretty good idea on who it is." She says with a wink and I laugh. 

"You girls have no idea what you're talking about." I say jokingly before continuing to hand out the exit slip. 

"If you guys need help just yell out and I'll try to help you. Remember, don't use your notes." 

Not long later the class is finally done, and we begin with the lesson. 

"Alright, today we're gonna learn about the Memory Structure of the Brain." I say as I turn to the white board and write up the heading up the top. 

"Do we need to take these notes down?" 

"Of course! It'll be on your sac." I say and the class nods, before getting their things out and writing down the heading. I walk around and hand out a small piece of paper that has the brain on it, with four important structures when it comes to memory. 

"Alright, so, you can do this however you like, whether you write next to the diagram like a mind map or write subheadings underneath it, just make sure it's written down. 

"So, the Hippocampus, is located in the mid-brain of the brain. Its function is the formation or consolidation of declarative memories." I say, before I write it on the board. 

 "It also converts Short-term memory to Long-term memory, but keep this in mind, it is crucial that the Hippocampus does not store memories, it only forms and consolidates them." I say writing that underneath what I just wrote. 

I continue writing things on the board when some alarm randomly goes off and I turn around to face the students, who look just as confused as I am. 

"That's the lockdown drill siren right?" 

"Yes, yes it is. I'm sure it's just practise. Come on, go into the little room and hide, whilst I lock the door." I say and the students get up, walking into the middle room whilst I walk to the door, opening it. I quickly put my key in the lock, locking it before shutting the door. I make sure to turn the lights off and grab my phone. before joining the kids in the room. 

I make sure the door to the little room is secure just in case this isn't a drill. I turn my phone on silent, just in case it goes off as we need to be quiet. 

"This is a drill right miss?" 

"Yeah yeah, it is." I say trying to keep them calm as they seem pretty worried. 

I open the messages on the teachers group chat and try not to panic when I read a message saying that it isn't a drill, and that there is a guy in the school with a suspected knife. 

The message is not to let the kids know that it is a real, otherwise they will panic, and that's the last thing we need. 

They're doing a very good job at keeping quiet, which is the main thing. I doubt the intruder would find us here as we're all keeping low and are quiet. A few occasional whispers here and there. 

"Miss." One of the girls named Tia says and I look at her. 

"What's the matter?" 

"I feel like I can't breathe." She says and I can tell she's having an anxiety attack and I grab her, pulling her into a hug and telling her to take deep breaths. 

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now