Chapter 76

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The next day I am up early, as I have to be at the club. I am now the main physio as Em is on maternity leave. 

I feel honoured to be able to step up to take on this role. And I am grateful the club have enough trust and faith in me to name me the head physio, for the time being. 

I chuck on my bulldogs gear, before heading downstairs to make myself a quick breakfast. James has been amping up his preseason training by going on long runs every morning. 

He'll get up at like 5:30, 6am to go for a run and will return at about 7, 7:30, depending on how much he feels is enough. 

I make myself a simple meal of French toast, just to get me going for the day, when the sliding door opens and James walks in, huffing and puffing. He has sweat dripping down him which he wipes with his forearm. 

"Morning." I say and he smirks. 

"I should hate the colours your in right now, but you look so hot." He says and I laugh 

"You're so cute." I say as he walks over to me and places a kiss on my cheek. "I would hug you but you're all sweaty." 

"Fair enough." He chuckles and I smile. 

"So you excited for your new role for a little while?" James asks and I smile. 

"Of course I'm excited!" I say. "It's gonna be weird not having Em next to me but I'm excited for this opportunity." 

"I'm proud of you." He says and I smile. 

"And I love you." 

"I love you more." He says pressing a kiss to my lips. 

"I should probably hurry up and go." I say and he chuckles. 

"Wouldn't be ideal to be late." He says and I smile, as I quickly finish my food before packing everything up and heading back upstairs to brush my teeth and fix my hair. 

I pull my hair up into a bun when James walks into the bathroom, a towel in hand. He flings it so that it sits on the shower. 

"Following me are ya?" I joke and he nods. 

"I'll always follow you." He says and I smile. 

"Good answer." 

"Thanks." He says and I smile. 

"Anyway, I'll see you later?" I say and he smiles. 

"You sure will." He says leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips and I smile. 

"Have fun today with whatever you're doing." 

"Thanks." He says and I smile, before walking out of the bathroom and downstairs.

I grab my things, along with my car keys and walk out the door into the garage. I get into my car, starting it before making the short trip the the Whitten Oval.. 

When I get there, I park in an empty car spot. I turn the car off, unbuckling myself before getting out and grabbing my belongings. 

I walk inside the club and smile. 

It feels good to be back. 

I say hello to the receptionists before I walk to mѕ office, dumping my stuff down on the desk, before heading out the door and to the gym where all the boys have started to gather. 

Usually I would get stuck into paper work straight away, and the boys will come and see me as they need, but because today is the first session back, it's best to join the group as they will go through formalities and welcome us all back to the club! 

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now