Chapter 74

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A few days later...

It's been a couple of days since the start of the new year, and it couldn't have been more perfect.

After our little moment on the balcony, James and I headed back down to the party and continued to dance early into the morning.

Aaron, Baz and Cody crashed at our house as neither of them could drive home. Ads and Dunks also stayed as they were both wasted and didn't wanna get an uber home along with Will and Dylan.

The next morning was pretty eventful though, none of us woke up until around 2pm, and it was a struggle to even get up and get cleaning after that.

We roughly finished cleaning at around 6pm, as we didn't start till 4 because none of us could be bothered.

Baz, Aaron and Cody stayed the night again whilst the rest of the boys that stayed went home.

It was actually nice having some company other than James. I could tell he was enjoying it as well which was good.

But as of now, we're slowly starting to plan our wedding.

I am sat at the dining table, with a notepad and pen in hand, trying to figure out who the hell is going to be my maid of honour, and who the hell is even going to be in my bridal party...

Bella and Matteo are definitely going to be in the bridal party. I know that for a fact. It's the stress of organising the wedding which will be the hardest.

"How's it going?" James asks, walking over to me from outside. He has sweat stains on his top, and takes his AirPods out of his ears as he sits down next to me.

"Not great." I say with a sigh and he chuckles.

"How about I help once I have a shower."

"Yes please." I say and he smiles, pressing a kiss to my lips before heading upstairs and I smile.

James has been going to the club every second day, trying to get his shoulder strong after he injured it towards of the end of last season. It was hard watching him struggle to do things with one arm available, but luckily he had me to help him.

He has come such a long way, and I am so proud of him.

Not long later he comes back down the stairs, his hair wet and I smile.

"So, what do you have so far?"

"Well, I am just trying to work out the bridal party, but have no idea where to start, from the maid of honour, to the actual brides maids." I say sighing and James smiles.

"It's a no brainer that Em will be the maid of honour." James says. "As for brides maids, you have Ariana, Marie." He adds and I smile.

"Exactly, I only have two bridesmaids cause I have no friends." I groan and James shakes his head at me.

"Of course you have friends. What about Clara that's one of the trainers at the club? You're close with her aren't ya?"

"Oh yeah." I say. "I forgot about her."

"See, so you'll have 4, including Em."

"How many grooms men do you want?" I ask and James shrugs.

"Well, Dylan, Finn and Will are definite's. I was thinking of putting Bont as my best man because I don't think he'd want to see one of the hawks boys walking in with Em."

"Yeah, definitely don't think he'd like it." I say. "But are you sure you'd want my brother as your best man?"

"Well yeah, I've been close with him for ages, and we have a really good relationship sooo." He shrugs and I smile.

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