Chapter 25: Ok, Maybe A Vacation Won't Be As Fun As We Thought

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Lia's Pov

That night, I couldn't sleep. No matter how many hums or hair playing or sweet talks it took, it wasn't gonna work. I was scared shitless.

We ended up getting out of the house that night and I apologized to Mrs. Perez a thousand times. She kept telling me that it was fine but I wrongly accused her so it wasn't. We ended up staying at a hotel but it didn't matter where we were. Someone was always gonna be watching us.

Ryder knew I wasn't gonna sleep at all and in all honesty, I don't think he was either. He tried to tell me that no one was gonna hurt me but I wasn't listening. All I could think about was his head lying down on the ground, covered in blood. It was my biggest nightmare and he knew it.

I knew Ryder wasn't gonna let anything happen to me but I wasn't concerned about me. I wanted to know that he would be ok and that he wouldn't get hurt. The thought of him just not here with me made me sad. Imagine if he really wasn't here.

Ryder told me that we should probably change clothes and take showers. I wanted to but I couldn't. That pig lying dead in the tub freaked me out way too much so I told him that I didn't feel like it. He knew I was lying because when he tried to leave, I was attached to him and wouldn't leave his side. I didn't want to lie to him but the truth hurts. If I had to hear myself say anything about anything that just happened, I literally was gonna hyperventilate.

I moved closer to Ryder as he held me, trying to get me to go to sleep. He was being so sweet and so calm with me. He never even thought about raising his voice at me.

Throughout the night, I could tell he was getting tired. I told him multiple times to go to sleep but he insisted on staying up with me. He eventually did fall asleep and I continued to stay up.

I sat up and stared at the room. It was dark and I couldn't see all that good. I pulled one of my legs closer to me and held it. I knew I was gonna be up for a while.

While I was staring at the wall, I heard a noise. I turned my head to the window and saw nothing. I heard another noise and turned my head to the door. I saw a green light underneath the door. I heard more noises of what sounded like someone trying to break in. I laid down with my back facing the door and pulled the cover up to my face. I still had my pocket knife because I took it back from Xioe. I grabbed my pocket knife out of the drawer. I had put it there just in case something like this happened.

I held onto it tight and closed my eyes. I heard more noises and gripped the blanket tighter and tighter. I didn't want to wake Ryder because he had just fallen asleep so I decided that I would be quiet.

The person grabbed the handle and suddenly, the door opened. I heard footsteps walking over. The person kept walking until they reached the bed. They walked over to my side and I kept my eyes shut. I tried to keep my body calm but I had a feeling this person wasn't stupid.

They walked back over to the other side of the bed, then made their way to the bathroom. Once I heard the door slightly shut, I turned my head a little. I saw no one there and decided to get up. I tried not to make a sound as I got out. I moved over to the bathroom as slowly and as quietly as possible. I turned back around to see Ryder still asleep.

I kept walking to the door, ready to stab whoever the hell just broke in. I was about to push open the door when I noticed something strangely familiar about this person.

For starters, he was a man and didn't look all that intimidating. Secondly, he looked like he was tired and kind of scared. Thirdly, he looked young and had a bruise right under his left eye. Like someone had just punched. Finally, he kind of looked like someone I knew but I didn't know who.

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