Chapter 18: Lies Turn Into The Truth In A Heartbeat

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                                                                                      Ryder's Pov


That's all I could think was dammit.

I fucked up...bad. Worse than I've ever done before.

"Ryder." Jade said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I stared at her, not saying anything. After all of these years, she still can't claim me as her brother. She lied and she lied but that's all she was good at was lying. She even lied and changed her last name all because she couldn't stand the thought of her mother being with another man and me being her sibling. She had brought our brother into a situation that had nothing to do with him but for some reason it pissed her off.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." she said.

"Say it." I said.

"Say what?"

"Say what you never could say. Say the two words that you hate the most in this world. Say the name that you couldn't stand so you changed it! SAY IT! SAY THE GODDAMN NAME!" I yelled at her.

She jumped and hesitated before saying, "Jade Perez." as a tear fell from her face.

"That's who you are and who you will always be. Not agent Hayes or the leader of the mafia or the baddest bitch in the world. Jade Perez is who you are whether you like it or not."

She stared at me as I stared back. She hated it. She hated it so much that she changed who she was.

"I was never Jade Perez because I was never able to live up to mom's standards. You were always her baby boy. Why do you think she gave you the job of a lifetime?"

I stared at her, "The job of a lifetime? You think that protecting my girlfriend is a job? It never was a job to me. Protecting her was an honor. I love her and I would do anything for her-"

"Yeah, you see that's the problem, Ryder. You would get down on your hands and knees and worship this girl like she is a fucking goddess just to find out she's the devil. You would take a bullet for her to prove to her how much you love her just to find out she is the one holding the gun. You would sell your soul for her just to find out you're selling it to her. Do you see how fucked up that is? She is Felix's daughter. The man is a drug addict. Her uncle is Noah and he a fucking psycho. Her mom slept with both of them and left them both. But for some odd reason you still love her. Why love her?" she asked.

"Because despite everything you just said, I could never see her as her father. In my eyes, she's perfect. You got to see it for yourself. She opened up to you and yet you still couldn't give to shits about her. She trusted you and you took her trust for granted. You sit here and talk about her becoming a psychopath or a drug addict when you fail to realize that you already have seen it happen to yourself and neither of your parents are either of those things." I said to her.

She stared at me, not saying a word.

"You wanna know why you aren't a brother of mine, because of what you just said. You would rather pick some girl over me."

"Yes I would because that girl has been in my life from day one. Longer than you have ever been."

I walked past her and grabbed a gun. I then walked over to Noah and saw how amused he looked at us arguing.

"The hell are you smiling for, old man?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. It's just, a man with a weakened heart for a woman with a weakened soul does not fit. Maybe find another piece to your puzzle. Like your sister said, she is the devil in disguise. You will never see it coming. Leave while you can, young man, or you will face the consequences."

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