Chapter 16: Trouble

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The next few days we stayed in the hospital with Josh. We didn't know when he would be released so we wanted to push the date back. He kept trying to tell us that it was fine but we knew it wasn't. We all work hard on this, including Josh. If one of us gets hurt, then technically, we all get hurt. Josh deserved his recognition just as much as anyone else did and he was gonna get it.

It had been almost a week and the doctors told us that Josh would be in a wheelchair. We all looked at the doctor stupid but they explained that Josh can't do much moving around so the wheelchair was the best option. We were all ok with it. We ended up packing our stuff and heading back to the school campus.

We arrived back to campus to find it wrapped with caution tape. We all looked at each other weird and continued to walk to the doors. Once we got there, we were stopped by two cops.

"Excuse us but we need to get in there." I said, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Were any of you here the day that a student was attacked?" one of the cops asked.

We looked at each other confused and then Xioe answered.

"Yes." she said, a little confused.

"I'm sorry but we can't just let random students in. We need your ID and we need to know how any of you were affected by the attack." the other cop said.

"Uhm well we were affected because I was the one who was attacked." Josh said, rolling the wheelchair a little to try and make it obvious.

"Yeah and we are his friends. She got the messages that the attacker sent." Ryder said, pointing at me.

"And what did you do with the information you had? Did you notify someone or the police?" one cop asked.

"No, because my friends were in trouble and my first instinct was to make sure they were ok." I said.

"You really should have called the cops, one of you could have seriously gotten hurt." a cop said.

"One of us did seriously get hurt and if we hadn't gone to look for him he could've died." Xioe said, starting to sound a little impatient.

Before one of the cops could respond, a group of news reporters and interviewers came up to us. They started swarming us and started putting cameras in our faces. Some even took pictures. They started asking questions and we tried to hide our faces. The police moved in front of us and more police helped us inside. We made sure Josh was the first to get inside because he was already injured. Xioe was next and she seemed a little pissed off. One of the interviewers asked her if she was hurt. She said no and kept moving. The interviewers kept asking her questions and she got more and more irritated. Ryder pushed her inside so she couldn't flip them off or say something rude.

Next was me but one of the interviews kept asking me personal questions like why didn't you call the cops or do you know that your friend could have died or how do you know the attacker, it was just too much. Then one of the interviewers grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Hey, let her go!" the cops said.

Ryder immediately shoved me slightly out of the way and was about to attack one of the interviewers until one of the cops shoved him and the interviewer. I grabbed Ryder's hand with one hand and grabbed the same arm with my other. I tugged him and he didn't move. One of the cops started trying to push us inside. Ryder still wouldn't move.

"Ryder, come on, please." I told him, sounding a little terrified to be outside.

He never took his eyes off of the interviewer and finally started to move. Once we got inside he didn't say anything to me, he just placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

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