Chapter 22: Meeting Mom

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We walked into another room and then went through a door. It led to a hallway and we walked down it. The whole time I was nervous. I wanted to hug her and connect with her. I wanted to go back in time and bring her with me so I could have a life with her. I wanted her to meet my friends and I wanted to get close with her. I needed all of that.

We kept walking and I grabbed onto Jade's jacket. She looked at me and smiled.

"We're almost there. It's ok to be nervous."

I nodded and still held onto her. We walked and we were by a door. She opened the door and walked in. I walked in behind her and stared at the room. No one was in here. She called out for someone and they walked in.

There she mom.

I stared at her and she stared back at me.

"Lia, meet your mom." Jade said.

She moved over and so did everyone else. I looked at her and I noticed how similar we are. I really was more of her child then I was my dad's.

We stared at each other and didn't say anything. She moved forward and so did I. She kept moving forward until she was standing right in front of me. She placed her hand on my face and a tear fell from her eyes. I watched as she smiled. I smiled at her and a tear fell. She put her forehead on mine and we closed our eyes. This was what I had been waiting for. I had finally got it.

She pulled me into a hug and held me there. I hugged her back and I couldn't have been happier. She held me and we stayed like that. When we pulled apart, she looked at me.

"Hi, mom." I said.

"Hi, sweetheart." she said.

"I've missed you." I told her.

"I've missed you too. You are so big now. You aren't mommy's little girl anymore."

I laughed a little. I still had tears streaming down my face.

"Can we just stay in here and talk forever?"

She laughed, "Forever is a long time."

"I don't care, forever sounds perfect to me."

She smiled at me and hugged me again.

We sat and talked for what did seem like forever. I told her about a few things that had happened. I told her about how I was sick and how I'm doing better. I tried not to mention the whole drugs thing but I did end up telling her. She was very understandable about everything. We talked more and more and I told her how I was thinking about doing online. She asked why and I told her.

"I wanna get clean."

She smiled, "Ok, I think you should do it."

"Do you think my friends will hate me?"

"Of course not. They're your friends. Best friends at that. I think they'll support you. I know they're gonna miss you though."

"I'm gonna miss them too but I wanna do this for them and for me because I owe it to myself to do something. Don't I?"

"Yes, you do."

We talked more and more about it and we decided that after I get out of rehab, I'll stay with her for a bit. I didn't know how long I would be staying but I knew I wanted to stay as long as possible.

"Mom?" I said, she looked up at me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

I stared at her, "How did did you know that you were in love with dad."

She looked at me and then made a little huff sound.

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