Chapter 3: I Overslept

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"OH MY GOD! WHAT TIME IS IT?!" I said as I woke up in a hurry.

"Calm down, you're not late for class." Ryder said.

I screamed because he startled me.

"Oh thank god it's just you. Why are you still here?"

"Because we're helping with your work, remember?"

"Yes but it's like 7:50 am, I thought you guys left?"

"Well see we did, to go and excuse you from your classes."

"And why did you do that?"

"To give you extra time to rest and plus we got in touch with your teachers and they pushed some of the dead lines back."

"Really? You did that for me?"

"Of course, I would do anything for you."

Ok, so maybe I do have feelings for my best friend.

" guess." I said quietly, trying not to look him in the eye.

"You ok?"

"Yeah...just a little...uhm...hungry." I still kept my head down trying to make sure I didn't look at him. I knew I would say something stupid.

"Well they should be back with the food in about three minutes."


"Are you sure you're ok because you seem scared to be alone with me because if so I can go if-"

"No. Don't go. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little bit scared from earlier when I woke up with a man in my room with no shirt on."

That's when I realized this man had no shirt. No shirt. Just the sight of his abs. Wow he was hot and he had beautiful skin.

"Yeah sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry if I did. Really sorry."

"Don't apologize, after all I'm the one who screamed."

Then we both laughed and it felt like such a relief. It felt like the first real laugh in a while.

"Wow, that felt good."


"Oh, I was talking about my laugh. It felt good to finally laugh after a while."

"I know. It's the first time in a long time that I got to hear you laugh and that's saying a lot since all you do is laugh. You have a beautiful, amazing laugh and don't let anyone or anything take that away from you. Ok?"


This man has a way with words. That was so beautiful. Not only that, he complimented me. Can I fall for him anymore?

"We're back." Xioe said.

"And we brought food." Josh said.

A few minutes had passed and we were all sitting on the floor just talking and laughing about any and everything. Honestly, it was one of the best conversations I had had in a while. I could finally talk with my friends and be me. Every now and then I glanced at Ryder. I wished he would put a shirt on. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I swear this man was my addiction. I couldn't stop looking at him even if I wanted to. I couldn't stop thinking about him either. I mean my God was this man fine. I had seen him without a shirt before but this was different. He wasn't as hot before. Plus we were kids, I didn't know what it was like to have a crush or to have feelings or to even look at a guy this way. I was young and even when I did have my first crush, it was different. It wasn't real feelings, I just liked the idea of him. I never wanted to but I did. I apologized to Josh so many times about that and he always says the same thing about how he was over it but I just felt so bad. Eventually, I got over it and I moved on with life.

I still couldn't believe that I liked him. I mean he was cute and all but he just wasn't the one I wanted. Ryder is different. He makes me feel special and happy and makes me feel loved. I never thought I would ever find someone like that but I did. The sad part though was that I didn't want to like him. I also didn't know if he liked me. I mean sure, yeah, people don't just make people feel special like that without feeling something for you but Ryder was nice and sweet to everyone who came his way. I just always thought it was like that. Even if he did feel something for me I couldn't date him. It would be awkward if it didn't work out and plus I've never been in a relationship so this is all new to me.

After a few more minutes of me going on and on in my head about Ryder and how cute and hot he was, which by the way he was fine as hell, I finally got up and threw away my trash.

"Do you need help with that?" Ryder asked as I started to take out the trash bag from the bin.

"No, I've got it. Thanks for asking though." I said.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to think the trash was your new boyfriend." He joked.

"Ha ha, very funny. Hilarious even. Now if you'll excuse me I have to take this trash out."

"Yes ma'am." He said with this sexy smirk on his face. God this man drove me crazy. He was too fine for his own good.

"Hey, while you're at it can you go to the store and get me some...well you know...lady products." Xioe said.

"Yeah, of course. Just text me everything you need and I'll get it." I said.

"Lady products? What the hell is that?" Josh asked

"It will click once she comes back. For now don't worry about it." Xioe said.

"I don't get why you can't just say pads or tampons. We may be guys but we still know what that stuff is. Plus, we have all been friends for years. If you need that kind of stuff, don't be afraid to ask one of us. We can get it for you. I know it may be embarrassing but it's natural and you shouldn't be ashamed to say that in front of us." Ryder said.

And there once again, was Ryder being the sweetest person in the world. He was so caring and understanding and he was right.

"Oh, that's what we are talking about. Well yeah, you guys shouldn't be ashamed to tell us that kind of stuff. I get it is personal but we can get that kind of stuff. Just let us know." Josh said.

"Thank you, both of you but it's fine I can just go throw this out and run to the store really quickly. It's no biggie." I said.

I could sense that the boys were not too happy with me going to do something like a normal human being so they argued to let us stay here and for them to go out. I knew it was always a problem for two independent ladies to be friends with two gentlemen. They were kind and sweet to us but sometimes we wanted to do things for ourselves. After all, we had been doing that before we met them. Even when we were friends with Ryder it was always like this. That and yet he still couldn't help but treat us like princesses or better yet queens. We loved and hated it at the same time but finally we gave in.

"Fine. Just go. But please don't get the small ones. We have a heavy flow." I said.

"Ok well we will be on our way. Do you need any food or snacks or a heating pad?" Ryder said

"We have all of those things. Thank you for asking. Now go." Xioe said and the boys walked out and we locked our dorm room back.

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